Page 11 - Retailer - Fall 2011

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Undeniably running businesses is more difficult today. The
business landscape keeps altering. Our customers are more
sophisticated. Our employees are more demanding. Driving
exce l lence becomes a bigger chal lenge. But one who
embraces challenges will find oneself in a better position to
take advantage of the window of opportunity to survive and
to grow. Hong Kong itself is a place that keeps changing
and reinventing itself. We started as a fishing community,
developed our own know-how in manufacturing industry
and have been transforming ourselves to be more of a service
economy. Whatever position or role Hong Kong is playing,
our core values remain firm and strong. Hong Kong is a very
flexible and adaptable economy and our people have a strong
and entrepreneurial spirit. Such resilience (as typified by the
individuals and the companies represented in this room) is the
underlying strength for the continued evolution of our city
and we must do all we can to safeguard and reinforce these
core values.
Business is all about people. Employers and employees are
in the same boat and depend on each other. Research
around the world consistently demonstrates that business
per formance and good people management prac t ices
are closely l inked. Good employment practices are also
fundamental in engender ing harmonious employment
relations, and the Employers’ Federation advocates a balanced
and fair relationship between employers and employees.
Although all employers need employees to work hard, look
af ter customers and generate profits, equally employees
depend on employers to create a sustainable business which
provide them with ongoing employment, a stable income,
opportunities to grow and a satisfying and fulfilling career.
Besides pay and benefits, our workforce nowadays look for
more intangible rewards like trust and respect from their
employers; job satisfaction, a happy work-life balance and
opportunities for self-improvement and development. An
employer, who is alert to these needs, and acts positively
to meet them, is far more l ike l y to achieve “employee
engagement” and business success. It is a driving force
towards excellence in all respects and, above all, will give the
employer the distinction of being an employer of choice.
Over the past few years, all of you in the retail industry have
proved your tenacity in the face of adversity and devotion to
excellence through tremendous efforts spent on upgrading
the quality of service within the industry. The Oscars of the
Retail Industry – Services and Courtesy Award, is a perfect
illustration of the commitment of the retail trade to evolve
and grow with Hong Kong.
Of cour s e, l i fe i s neve r pe r fe c t and the re are a lway s
unexpected difficulties ahead. But, we in Hong Kong have a
good foundation to build on and are prepared to overcome
any challenges and move forward.
After all,
We are top, or close to the top, of almost every survey of
economic freedom and we have a solid and independent
justice system that protects these freedoms
We are an integral part of the world’s fastest growing and
potentially largest economy
Hong Kong’s crime rate is among the lowest in the world
During the worst economic crisis in two generations, Hong
Kong’s unemployment rate rose only to 4.2%
In conclusion, may I thank Caroline and the RMA for kindly
inviting me to speak during this luncheon, and on behalf of
the Employers’ Federation, I would like to wish the RMA, and
all its members every success in 2012 and beyond.
Thank you.