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Knowledge Sharing

Seminar on Understanding the Anti-discrimination Ordinances - Quality Service and Staff Management


Seminar on Personal Data (Privacy) (Amendment) Ordinance 2012

2012 《個人資料(私隱)(修訂)條例》簡介會

反歧視條例與管理人員,以至前線員工的工作都息 息相關。為了加強會員對反歧視條例的認識,協會 於2013年1月23日舉辦了「認識反歧視條例-優質 服務與人事管理」講座,邀請到平等機會委員會訓 練主任龍子茵女士,利用個案分析及短片,向會員 簡介了如何防止觸犯歧視條例,並鼓勵會員公司實 施平等標準,以締造更友善融和的工作環境。

直接促銷是現代商業社會常見的活動,而直接促銷 往往涉及收集和使用個人資料。為提高對個人私隱 的保障,政府去年修訂了《個人資料(私隱)條 例》中有關處理個人資料的規管,其中與直接促銷 的新修訂條文已於2013年4月1日生效。

有見及此,協會於2013年3月1日舉辦了「2012 《個人資料(私隱)(修訂)條例》」簡介會,由 個人資料私隱專員公署經理(機構傳訊)陳培玲女 士主講,向會員介紹修訂條文的內容,並引用實例 講解直接促銷行為的具體指引。

Anti-discrimination ordinances are closely related to the daily work of every staff, ranging from management to frontline. With a view to provide members a better understanding on anti-discrimination ordinances, a seminar on "Understanding the Anti-discrimination Ordinances – Quality Service and Staff Management" was organized on 23 January, 2013. Ms. Sandy Lung, Training Officer of Equal Opportunities Commission briefed members with case study and video on how to prevent unlawful discrimination practices and the ways to implement a more friendly and inclusive environment in the workplace.

Direct marketing is a common business practice and it often involves the collection and use of personal data. In the process, compliance with the requirements under the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance is essential. Last year, an amendment was made on the Ordinance covering different aspects of handling of personal data. The new provisions relating to direct marketing has taken effect on 1 April, 2013.

To facilitate members to make early preparation and avoid contravening the Ordinance, the Association arranged a "Personal Data (Privacy) (Amendment) Ordinance 2012" seminar on 1 March, 2013. Ms. Carol Chan, Manager (Corporate Communications) of the Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data, briefed members on the new provisions and guidance with practice examples on data collection and use for direct marketing.



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