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"Service Mindset Twist" Workshop 「服務思維急轉彎」工作坊

In an intensely competitive market where quality service is sought after, retail practitioners are required to respond quickly to meet customers' demand. To cultivate a mindset that enable them to solve customers' requests skilfully, a workshop on "Service Mindset Twist" was organized on 26 March, 2013. Trainer Ms. Dorothy Tsui provided participants with techniques to communicate effectively with different types of customers and handle their challenging questions tactfully and confidently in critical situations.

現今市場競爭激烈,顧客越加追求優質服務,零售員工必須迅速回應顧客的要求。因此,協會於2013年3月26日舉辦了「服務思維急轉 彎」工作坊,邀得導師徐佩賢女士教導參加者有效的溝通技術,並分析在面對難纏的顧客時,應該如何運用靈活的方法處理和應對,以提 升員工處理顧客不同要求時的效率和技巧。

"How to Develop High Performance Teams" Workshop 「如何建立優秀團隊」工作坊

Developing effective teamwork by binding the belief of all staff and fostering cooperation among them is an effective and powerful means to achieve a high level of service standard and fulfil total customer satisfaction. With a high performance team, a company's corporate image would also be promoted.

The Association organized a workshop on "How to Develop High Performance Teams" on 11 April, 2013. Mr. Thomas Chow, an expert in retail industry, introduced to the participants the skills in developing and leading a high performance team by utilizing some conceptual knowledge and practical techniques. Through a few rounds of interactive games focusing on effective communication and team cooperation, the participants were also trained to overcome various challenges and enhance work efficiency.

凝聚員工的力量,以建立高效能的合作團隊,是提高顧客服務質素及提升客戶滿意度的要訣之一。擁有良好的溝通和合作無間的工作隊 伍,亦有助提升企業的形象。

協會於2013年4月11日舉辦了「如何建立優秀團隊」工作坊,由零售業資深導師周偉堂先生教授管理人員如何組織和領導有效能的工作團 隊,並利用互動遊戲,引導他們透過合作和溝通,激發團隊精神,共同克服各項挑戰,並提升工作效率。

Snapshots on Workshops




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