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HKRMA launches 30 th Anniversary Celebration

香港零售管理協會 30 周年誌慶活動展開

Flagship Programmes

To kick off the celebration of the 30 th anniversary of the Hong Kong Retail Management Association, a cake-cutting ceremony was held prior to the March Executive Committee (Ex-Co) meet ing on 5 March, 2013 at the Happy Val ley Racecourse.

The Association was very honoured to have Mr. Daniel Koo, who is the first chairman and currently the Honorary President and International Advisor of the Association, joining the Ex-Co members at the occasion. The simple yet heart-warming ceremony began with a slideshow which brought back some fond memories of the then and now, followed by the cake-cutting and a toast made by the Chairman, Ms. Caroline Mak. The par t icipant s had a pleasant t ime together and the ceremony ended in a celebratory manner.

Subsequent to the cake-cut ting ceremony, a number of celebration initiatives will be rolled out in the year. Some highlights are:

Full revamp of the Association's website to create a better user interface

Introduction of new awards to recognize companies showing continuous support to the Service & Courtesy Award Donation of a scholarship to the Vocational Training Council for students excelling in retail-related courses

Production of a commemorative book as an official archive of the Association's history and achievements

Without the commitment and contribution of members, the Association would not have grown from strength to strength in the past three decades. The Association pledge for your continued support to these celebratory activities. Please stay tuned for the latest updates.

香港零售管理協會於2013年3月5日召開三月份執行委員會(執委 會)會議前,假跑馬地馬場舉行了簡單而隆重的切餅儀式,為協 會30周年誌慶揭開序幕。

協會有幸請來創會主席兼現任名譽會長及國際顧問古勝祥先生, 與執委會成員一同見證這個重要時刻。大會首先播放幻燈片,回 顧協會過去三十載的精彩時刻,接著由協會主席麥瑞琼女士主持 切餅及祝酒儀式。現場氣氛熱鬧,祝賀聲此起彼落。


全面更新協會網站,提供更易用的界面及更豐富的內容 「傑出服務獎」將增設獎項,表揚一直支持該獎項的企業 設立獎學金,獎勵就讀職業訓練局零售相關學科而成績優異的學生 製作紀念特刊,記錄協會的歷史及成就

全賴會員過去三十年的投入與貢獻,協會才得以茁壯成長。希望 各位留意有關30周年慶祝活動的最新消息,並繼續支持協會的各 項工作。


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