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Knowledge Sharing

Snapshots on Workshops


INTEGRATED Management Behaviours for Frontline Supervisors Workshop

The Association organized two sessions of the " INTEGR ATED Management Behav i our s for Frontl ine Super visors" workshops on 23 May, 2014. Both ses s ions were we l l - rece i ved by near 60 members altogther. Participants learnt the INTEGRATED super vising sk i l ls to lead an effective team, and how to meet daily challenges encountered at the shop front.

「整合式 - 零售前綫營 督導技巧」工作坊

協會於5月23日舉辦一連兩場 合式 - 零售前綫營運督導技巧 作坊, 有近60位會員參與,了 謂「整合式」零售前綫營運督 巧,以及如何有效帶領前線服 工,改善銷售服務表現及提高 成績。

to be Happy" Positive Psychology Management Workshop

uld work-life balance be achieved in dustry? What are the sources of stress place and its relationship with work e? On 21 May, 2014, the Association Suen Lap Man, an experienced trainer mployee Service Consultancy, to share mbers the effective ways in handling ugh this workshop, participants learnt positive psychology at their workplace.

「開心由我揀」正向心理 學及壓力管理工作坊

零售從業員如何能做到作息平衡? 工作壓力來至何處?對工作表現 又帶來甚麼影響?協會於5月21日 舉辦「開心由我揀」正向心理學及 壓力管理工作坊,由盈力僱員服務 顧問的孫立民先生與會員探討舒緩 壓力的有效方法。 透過今次工作 坊,參加者學習如何將正向心理學 運用在日常工作之中。

ts for Customer op

uch to your customer service, heart of customers, both services? The Association n "Managing Touchpoints ent " on 24 June, 2014. A cipated in this workshop to engagement skills.


如何才能觸動顧客的心?讓他們 無論對商品或是服務都感到滿 意?協會於6月24日舉辦「觸動 顧客心」工作坊, 一共有25位會 員參加,認識怎樣加強服務過程 中與顧客的接觸點,為企業創造 不一樣的服務優勢。

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