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Information provided by the Labour Department, HKSARG


Dedicated Large-scale Job Fairs for the Retail Industry

The Labour Department holds large-scale job fairs in community centres, shopping arcades and other venues in different locations to facilitate flow of employment information and provide an effective and convenient platform for employers to recruit suitable staff and job seekers to find jobs. Participating employers can display their vacancy information, conduct on-site recruitment and interview job seekers at their assigned booths. Dedicated large-scale job fairs will also be held for the retail industry to help meet their manpower demands. Event details will be disseminated through HKRMA to its member companies. Retail employers may watch out for HKRMA's news to register their participation in the dedicated large-scale job fairs.

Dedicated Webpage on Retail Jobs

In order to attract more job seekers to join the retail industry, the Labour Department has launched a brand new "Dedicated Webpage on Retail Jobs" on the Interactive Employment Service website (, providing a wide range of information including retail full-time and part-time vacancies, dedicated job fairs and relevant training opportunities. Please visit the "Dedicated Webpage on Retail Jobs" at for more details.

Recruitment Centre for the Retail Industry

Retail employers are welcome to approach the Recruitment Centre for the Retail Industry of the Labour Department. The Recruitment Centre is dedicated to the retail industry where retail employers can readily stage recruitment activities and job seekers are provided with on-the-spot job interview opportunities. Administrative support is also provided to employers staging recruitment activities at the centre, helping to simplify and speed up the recruitment process.

Address: G/F, Revenue Tower, 5 Gloucester Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong Employer Hotline: 2594 7838

In response to the recommendations of the "Report of the Task Force on Manpower Development of the Retail Industry", the Labour Department has introduced various measures to help relieve the manpower shortage problem of the retail industry as follows:

Dedicated District-based Job Fairs for the Retail Industry

The Labour Department has been organizing an array of dedicated district-based job fairs for the retail industry, facilitating employers to recruit staff and job seekers to attend on-the-spot job interviews in one stop. In order to bring vacancy information closer to job seekers in the locality, the job fairs will be held in designated job centres which have more job seekers indicating interest in the retail industry. Interested retail employers can simply contact the concerned job centres to register for the dedicated district-based job fairs for the retail industry to try out this handy cum effective recruitment mode.

因應「零售業人力發展專責小組報告」的建 議,勞工處已推出一系列的措施以協助紓緩 零售業人手短缺的情況,詳見如下:


勞工處正為零售業舉辦一連串的地區性專題 招聘會,一站式讓僱主進行招聘及求職人士 參加即場面試。為將空缺資訊更能有效地帶 到各區的求職人士,上述招聘會安排在有較 多欲投身零售業的求職人士的指定就業中心 舉行。 有興趣的零售業僱主可聯絡有關就業 中心,報名參加零售業地區性專題招聘會, 體驗這個既簡便又有效的招聘方法。


勞工處於不同地區的社區會堂、商場以及其 他場地舉辦大型招聘會,促進就業資訊流 通,並提供方便和有效的平台讓僱主招聘合 適員工及求職人士尋找工作。參與僱主會獲 分配櫃位展示空缺資料、進行即場招聘及 與求職人士進行面試。為回應零售業的人力 需求,勞工處更為零售業舉辦大型專題招聘 會,活動詳情會透過香港零售管理協會通知 各會員公司。零售業僱主可留意香港零售管 理協會的消息報名參加大型專題招聘會。


為吸引更多求職人士投身零售業,勞工處互 動就業服務網站 ( 已推出 嶄新的「零售業空缺專頁」,提供多元化的 資訊,包括零售業全職及兼職空缺、專題招 聘會及相關培訓資料。 詳情請到網址 http:// 瀏覽。


勞工處歡迎零售業僱主使用零售業招聘中心 服務。該招聘中心專責為零售業舉辦招聘活 動,提供場地以便僱主及求職人士進行即場 面試。招聘中心為參加招聘活動的僱主提供 行政支援服務,有助僱主簡化招聘程序,縮 短招聘時間。

地址:香港灣仔告士打道5號稅務大樓地下 僱主熱線: 2594 7838

Employment in One-stop (Tin Shui Wai) 天水圍就業一站 Tel 電話︰3692 5743 E-mail 電郵︰

Tsuen Wan Job Centre 荃灣就業中心

Tel 電話︰2417 6238 E-mail 電郵︰

Kwun Tong Job Centre 觀塘就業中心

Tel 電話︰2304 7171 E-mail 電郵︰

b Fairs of Labour Department

for the Retail Industry


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