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2013 Service & Courtesy Award 2013 傑出服務獎

Flagship Programmes

為表揚零售業前線從業員的優秀表現以及提升業界客 戶服務水平,協會早於1986年首次舉辦傑出服務獎。 在協會會員以及零售業界的廣泛認同下,傑出服務獎 被譽為零售界奧斯卡。

今年,傑出服務獎涵蓋21個零售類別,參加者通過嚴 謹的比賽過程角逐44項個人及公司獎項。傑出服務 獎的比賽結果率先在2013年11月5日假九龍灣國際展 貿中心舉行的發佈會上公佈。隨著協會主席麥瑞琼女 士以及傑出服務獎籌備委員會主席馬永基先生將兩個 巨型氣球推向台下,發佈會正式揭開序幕。出席的零 售業同業推動氣球,象徵著大家團結一心,為大眾提 供更多優質服務。除麥女士及馬先生外,當日亦邀請 了協會前任主席及顧問關百豪先生、副主席葉焯德先 生、工業貿易署助理署長(工商業支援部)蘇碧珊女 士以及美國運通國際股份有限公司副總裁兼環球商戶 服務部大中華區總經理梁志光先生擔任頒獎嘉賓。

於2013年12月5日的三十周年晚會暨頒獎典禮上,各 得獎者再次獲邀上台從麥瑞琼主席以及兩位副主席葉 焯德先生及陸楷先生手上接過獎座。在頒獎典禮上, 得獎者興奮之情難以言喻,與公司同事及各零售同業 慶祝這個光輝時刻。

協會謹祝各得獎者未來再創佳績,我們深信憑著他們 的熱誠及努力,必定能繼續貢獻零售業的持續發展。 恭喜各位得獎者!

To recognize the outstanding performance of retail frontline practitioners and to uplift customer service standard in the retail trade, the Association has launched the "Service and Courtesy Award" since 1986. This Award is wildly supported by members of the Association and the trade; and is acclaimed as the Oscars of Hong Kong’s retail industry.

This year, the Award covers 21 retail business categories. The participants underwent keen competition to run for the 44 individual and team awards. The results were firstly announced at the Winners Announcement Ceremony held on 5 November, 2013 at Kowloon Bay International Trade & Exhibition Centre. Ms. Caroline Mak, Chairman of the Association, and Mr. Paul Ma, Chairman of the Service & Courtesy Award Organizing Committee, kicked off the Ceremony by literally "rolling out" two giant balloons from the stage to the floor, a gesture signifying the boost of service excellence through concerted effort of all retail practitioners. The Association also invited Mr. Bankee Kwan, Past Chairman and Advisor of the Association, Mr. Henry Yip, Vice-Chairman of the Association, Ms. Linda So, Assistant Director-General (Industries Support) of Trade and Industry Department and Mr. Desmond Leung, Vice President & General Manager, Global Merchant Services, Greater China, American Express International Inc., to present the awards to the winners.

On 5 December, 2013, all winners gathered once again at our 30 th

Anniversary Ball cum Retail Awards Presentation Ceremony to receive trophies from Ms. Caroline Mak as well as two Vice-Chairmen, Mr. Henry Yip and Mr. Guy Look. At the ceremony, the winners celebrated in excitement with their colleagues and fellow retailers for this glorious moment.

We wish all winners continued success, and we believe their dedication and hard work will keep on contributing to the sustainable development of the retail trade as a whole. Congratulations!


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