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Message from the Chairman of HKRMA


Ms. Caroline Mak


Time flies. 2013 has already come to an end and it is time to review the performance of the year. The latest Government forecast for GDP growth for 2013 stood at 3%. In retail, the total sales increased by 11.6% in value and 11.1% in volume in the first eleven months of 2013 over same period a year earlier. We expect the overall retail sales growth of 2013 to be around 12%, which is slightly higher than the 9.8% of 2012. It reflects slow but steady growth in the economy.

Looking ahead in 2014, the retail business is expected to experience mild growth, primarily due to a decline in growth of Chinese tourists visiting the territory and a cautious local consumer outlook. As in previous years, a survey on retail sales forecast for 2014 was conducted among members of our Executive Committee. The overall retail sales of Hong Kong in 2014 is expected to register a mid single-digit to a low double-digit increase.

Let's take a look at the legislation and industry advocacy conducted during the year.

Regarding the expor t res tr ic t ions on powdered mi lk formula, the Government conducted a stress test during the October Golden Week on improvement measures proposed by the major suppliers of powdered formula and the Hong Kong General Chamber of Pharmacies. The stress test results revealed that the coupon system was not as effective as expected, so the Government decided not to lift the export restrictions at that time. Although we do appreciate the Government's effort in addressing the powdered formula shortage caused by parallel traders who divert large quantities away from the supply chain in Hong Kong, we do not see the export ban as an effective solution in the long run as it would seriously damage Hong Kong's principle of free trade.

We would like to suggest the Government devise long-term measures by working closely with the suppliers and other stakeholders in order to ensure a stable and sufficient supply of powdered formula for the 275,000 Hong Kong-born infants and young children, including 167,000 who are not residing in Hong Kong.

I believe most retailers are facing a manpower shortage. At the time of writing, the Task Force on Manpower Development of the Retail Industry is about to submit their views and recommendations on the overal l manpower development of the retail industry to the Government. These recommendations will serve as an important first step for the Government to formulate any long-term policy in sustaining the growth of the retail trade. In fact, we have appealed to the Government to take initiatives in two major areas in order to effectively attract more new talent to join the industry, including:

Retail traineeship schemes

The proposed scheme is an apprenticeship-like training programme •

allowing qualified employees to earn a living, gain working experience and learn for academic qualifications at the same time. A pool of new talent can be available for work immediately while •

continuing their study on a part-time basis. Retailers can retain a pool of professionally trained employees after •

they successfully complete their studies.

轉眼間2013年已來到尾聲,是時候回顧協會今年 的表現。本港經濟發展相對穩定,政府最新公佈的 2013年本地生產總值增長預測為3%。零售業方面, 2013年首十一個月總銷售額及銷售量分別較去年同 期上升11.6%及11.1%。與去年相比,預計2013年 整體零售銷售增長約為12%,略高於去年的9.8%。

展望2014年,由於內地訪港旅客增長放緩及本地消 費者態度審慎,預料零售業將錄得溫和增長。一如 往年,協會向執行委員會成員進行2014年零售銷售 預測調查,預料明年香港整體零售銷售將錄得中單 位數至低雙位數增長。


有關配方粉出口限制方面,政府於十月黃金周就各 大配方粉供應商及港九藥房總商會建議的改善措施 進行壓力測試,結果顯示奶粉券制度成效未如預 期,故政府決定暫時不會撤回出口限制。水貨客令 本港的配方粉供應大幅減少,導致供應短缺,協會 理解政府致力解決問題的決心,但出口限制並非解 決問題的長遠方法,反而會嚴重影響香港自由貿易 的原則。

我們建議政府制定長遠措施,與供應商及其他持份 者緊密合作,確保配方粉供應穩定充足,滿足27.5 萬名在港出生的嬰幼兒(包括16.7萬名並非在香港居 住的嬰幼兒)需要。

相信大部分零售商也面對人手短缺的問題。撰文之 時,零售業人力發展專責小組將就零售業整體人力 資源發展向政府提交意見及建議,協助政府邁出重 要的第一步,制定長遠政策保持零售業增長。事實 上,協會已促請政府就兩大範疇採取措施,以有效 吸引人才入行,包括:


建議的實習計劃為類似學徒制度的培訓計劃,讓 •

合資格員工能一邊賺取收入及累積工作經驗,一 邊進修。

新人可立即投入工作,並以兼讀方式繼續進修。 •

員工修畢課程後,零售商將可網羅這批經過專業 •




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