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2014 Retail Conference - Success & Sustainability

「卓越零售 持續成就」 2014 零售研討會

香港零售管理協會自2009年首辦「卓越零售 • 持續 成就」零售研討會,今年已踏入第六年。每屆研討 會,協會均邀得業界翹楚就最新主題與參加者分享 他們的真知灼見。協會現誠意邀請各位參加2014零 售研討會,資料如下:

Renowned for its distinguished panel speakers and exciting topics, the Association's annual Retail Conference has come to its sixth year. Since its launch in 2009, the Retail Conference has developed into a "must go" event for entrepreneurs, corporate leaders and decision makers from different retail sectors. The Association cordially invites you to mark your diary for the 2014 Retail Conference. Details of the Conference are set out as below:

Date 日期 : 15 May 2014 (Thursday星期四) Time 時間 : 10:00 am - 5:00 pm

Venue 地點 : Meeting Room S221, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre 香港會議展覽中心會議室S221(灣仔港灣道入口,舊翼2樓)

Morning Session 上午環節 (10:00 am to 12:30 pm)

Retail Revolution - Convergence of Online and Offline (O2O) 零售起革命:線上到線下

Moderator 主持人: Mr. Guy Look 陸楷先生

Vice-chairman of HKRMA 香港零售管理協會副主席

CFO & Executive Director of Sa Sa International Holdings Limited 莎莎化妝品有限公司首席財務總監及執行董事 The trend of e-commerce is simply unavoidable. In this session, prominent speakers will share their success in the interactive development of online and offline retailing and the business potentials to be offered. They will also indicate how to maximize the opportunity of online and offline so that a win-win situation for retail trade could be achieved.

電子商貿乃大勢所趨,這已經是不爭的事實。透過這環節,講者將會分享他們結合線上及實體零售業務的成功之道, 以及解構這個趨勢所帶來的商機。各位講者亦會探討如何將線上及實體零售相互結合,以創造雙贏局面。

Call for Registration 現正接受報名

Tel: 2866 8311 / Email:


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