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Report onManpower Situation of the Hong Kong Retail Industry -

Salary Trends for 2013 2013 年度香港零售業人力資源報告 - 薪酬趨勢

協會每年均進行香港零售業薪酬趨勢調查,以收集及整合零售 業前線員工和管理層的最新薪酬情況。


1. 調查於2013年7月至8月進行,參與機構共有103間,包括 5,701間零售店舖,僱用超過116,332名員工。

2. 薪酬調查覆蓋了三個前線及兩個管理層職位,包括售貨員、 店舖主管、店舖經理、分區/區域經理,以及零售/營運經理。 3. 參與機構分為10個主要零售類別,包括:化粧品店、飲食店 /食品店、百貨公司、電子及電器店/電訊、時裝飾物店、傢 俱及家庭用品、個人護理/大藥房、專門店、超級市場/便利 店、鐘錶及珠寶。


1. 在參與調查的零售商中,有95%的零售商於2013年曾加薪 給其員工。 前線職位及管理人員的平均加薪幅度分別是 4.7%及5%。

2. 佣金方面,售貨員(+59.4%)、店舖主管(+37.9%)、店舖經 理(+28.1%),以及零售/營運經理(+12.3%)均有增加;相 反,分區/區域經理則下降9.3%。

3. 有向前線員工提供有薪午膳時間及有薪休息日的零售商,分 別有78.2%及91.6%,數目高於2012年的73.3%及89%。 4. 報告顯示,2013年的前線職位空缺達7,298個,高於去年 的5,393個空缺。

參與調查的會員公司可免費獲得2份報告,歡迎其他機構或人 士訂購:

會員:每本港幣 $1,300 非會員:每本港幣 $4,800

如欲訂購此報告,請致電2866 8311與協會聯絡。

The Association conducts the Salary Trends Survey on a yearly basis to consolidate the latest salary trends of frontline and managerial staff of the Hong Kong's retail industry.

About the Survey

1. The Survey was conducted in July and August 2013. A total of 103 companies participated in the Survey, involving 5,701 retail outlets with employment of 116,332 staff.

2. The Survey covered the latest salary data on 3 frontline positions, namely Sales Person, Store Supervisor, and Store Manager, and 2 managerial positions including Area/District Manager and Retail/ Operations Manager.

3. The participating companies were categorized into 10 types of retail businesses including Beauty/Cosmetics, Catering/ Food, Department Stores, Electronic & Electrical Appliances/ Telecommunications, Fashion & Accessories, Furniture & Home Accessories, Personal Health Care/Drugs Stores, Specialty Stores, Supermarkets/Convenience Stores, and Watch & Jewellery.

Survey Highlights

1. Around 95% of the par ticipating companies gave salar y increase to their staff in 2013. The average salary increase for frontline and managerial staff was 4.7% and 5.0% respectively. 2. The average commissions were increased for Sales Person (+59.4%), Store Supervisor (+37.9%), Store Manager (+28.1%) and Retail/Operations Manager (+12.3%); while it registered a drop of 9.3% for Area/District Manager.

3. Around 78.2% and 91.6% of the participating companies provided paid meal time and paid rest day respectively to their frontline staff, which were higher than those recorded at 73.3% and 89% in 2012.

4. A total of 7,298 frontline vacancies were registered in 2013, which is higher than that of 5,393 in 2012.

HKRMA members who have participated in the salary survey will receive two free copies of the Report. Interested parties are welcome to subscribe to the Report with details below: Members: HK$1,300 per copy Non-member: HK$4,800 per copy

For subscription, please contact us at 2866 8311



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