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Policies & Legislation Column


List of HKRMA Functions


This column is to inform members and readers about the various legislative and industry issues that the Association has reflected its views to the Government or relevant entities.

本欄目是為會員及讀者報道本協會就最近與零售 業息息相關的議題,向政府或有關團體所發表過 的意見。

Association's Views

Please find below a list of issues which the Association has contributed position papers and comments in the last quarter. Details can be found in the HKRMA website:

Reflected trade's views to the Council for Sustainable Development on municipal solid waste charging.

Submission on 2014 Policy Address and 2014-2015 Budget.

Expressed trade's concerns on Legislative proposals to enhance the regulation of pharmaceutical products.

Submission on the proposed measures for compliance with fire safety requirements by food premises.


本協會於上季就下列議題提供意見或建議書,詳細內容 可參閱本協會網站。


就2014年施政報告及2014-2015年財政預算案諮詢提 交意見書。


就食物業處所遵行消防安全規定建議的措施提交意 見書。

For enrollment and further details, please visit 報名及有關詳情,請瀏覽。

Date 日期 Functions 活動項目

15/5/2014 2014 Retail Conference - Success & Sustainability

「卓越零售 持續成就」2014 零售研討會

4/2014 2014 Service & Courtesy Award: Service Forum for Retailers

2014 傑出服務獎:零售服務研討會 4/2014 Stress Management Workshop

「與壓力共舞」 - 壓力管理工作坊

4/2014 Workshop on Managing EQ for Retaining and Motivating a Team of Post 60s to Post 90s

零售工作坊「情商解難 - 管理新世代團隊」

25/3/2014 SME Retail Conference "Brand Management and Communication: Vision, Leadership and Strategy"


31/3/2014 2013/14 "Driving Retail Excellence through Privacy Assurance" Training Series

2013/14 零售服務業保障私隱活動培訓系列 -「資料保障法律」研習班 13/3/2014 2014 Hong Kong Awards for Industries: Customer Service - Open for Enrollment

2014 香港工商業獎:顧客服務 - 公開接受報名 3/2014 Seminar on Crisis Management

「轉危為機」- 處理危機及突發事件講座 3/2014 Workshop on Blue Ocean Strategic Thinking


3/2014 Briefing Seminar on 2014 Hong Kong Awards for Industries: Customer Service

「2014 香港工商業獎:顧客服務」簡介會

26/2/2014 2013/14 "Driving Retail Excellence through Privacy Assurance" Training Series

2013/14 零售服務業保障私隱活動培訓系列 - 零售業保障私隱面面觀 19/2/2014 2013/14 "Driving Retail Excellence through Privacy Assurance" Training Series

2013/14 零售服務業保障私隱活動培訓系列 - 善用資訊及通訊科技



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