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事實上,從市場的自然發展趨勢,已經見到自由行的 勢頭開始放緩。中國社會科學院旅遊研究中心今年初 公佈的《2013-2014旅遊綠皮書》明確指出,雖然預 期今年訪港的內地旅客仍然會繼續增長,但增幅將會 由過去的雙位數跌至單位數,且會持續放緩,原因不 外乎我們經常指出的:香港旅遊購物配套設施未能配 套、中港矛盾升溫、愈來愈多國家放寬中國公民旅遊 簽證、已經來過香港的遊客會選擇其他城市等等。儘 管我們都贊同“一簽多行"不適宜進一步擴大,但按 市場發展需要,應要逐步增加開放自由行的試點,增 加遊客的來源,也是回應國際開放的步伐。

現在唯有希望有關措施只是暫時性,待香港有喘息 機會去提升各方面的配套,以提升接待能力和吸引 力。因此,對於施政報告提及的開發大嶼山和增加 商業土地供應的計劃,本人是樂見其成,更希望能 夠加快進行。

本人與所屬的自由黨,一直都積極推動開發大嶼山成 休閒旅遊度假區,為香港旅遊業帶來新的亮點和持續 發展的商機;其次是善用完善的交通網絡,建設更多 商業購物區,將現時集中在傳統購物區的遊客分散。

雖然用了不少“探討"、“積極研究"、“在可行的 情況下"等沒有實際行動的字眼,但施政報告終於朝 增加商業零售面積這方向起步了,包括:(一)在港 珠澳大橋香港口岸的人工島探討發展大型購物、餐 飲、娛樂和酒店等設施的可行性;(二)成立「大嶼 山發展諮詢委員會」,積極研究在大嶼山增加酒店及 休閒旅遊設施,進一步開發大嶼山東部水域及鄰近地 區,打造優質的「東大嶼都會」;(三)利用啟德新 發展區帶動,將九龍東發展為本港新的核心商業區; (四)增加中環灣仔核心商業區的商業/商貿用地供 應,亦會在可行情況下,將包括中環美利道停車場及 上環林士街停車場改為商業用途,和盡快落實中環海 濱第三號用地的發展,提供更多的辦公室及零售樓面 面積等等。

面對遊客增長速度過快設施未能配套帶來的樽頸效 應,如果利用短暫的陣痛去改善整個環境,為未來鋪 設更廣闊的平台,還是可以接受的;但如果陣痛變 成長痛,那計劃中的建設大計落成後,就會變成大白 象!希望現屆政府能夠看清形勢,更希望特首不單止 對基層實踐他的選舉承諾,也對商界實踐選舉承諾。

As a matter of fact, the latest indication is that IVS has been gradually slowing down. The Tourism Research Centre under the China's Academy of Social Science pointed out in its recent publication "Tourism Green Paper 2013-2014" that although the estimated Mainland visitors to Hong Kong would continue to increase, the annual rate of growth will decline from double digits to single digit. The continued slowdown was due to the inadequate tourism infrastructure in Hong Kong, the heightened tension between Mainland visitors and Hong Kong residents and the increasing number of other countries that welcome Mainland tourists as well as the fact that many Mainlanders who travel overseas have been to Hong Kong already. Although we also agree that the multiple visa scheme should not be further widened to other parts of China, there is still scope for gradually increasing the number of pilot cities joining the scheme so that the total visitor volume can continue to grow. This is what Hong Kong should do to respond to international trend of opening up to Mainland visitors.

We can only hope that the various policies declared in the Policy Address on Mainland visitors were temporary in nature and would be reviewed once the tourism infrastructures catch up with the demand. I therefore welcome the proposal to develop Lantau to yield more commercial property spaces and I would urge the Government to expedite this.

My party, the Liberal Party has over the years been actively promoting the idea of developing Lantau into a leisure and tourist destination as this will become a new attraction for visitors and create sustainable business opportunities. If transport infrastructure is well utilised, the increase in shopping spaces on Lantau will help divert some of the visitors away from traditional shopping districts in Hong Kong.

Although there was a lack of practical and concrete commitments or actions, the Policy Address did attempt to increase much needed retail spaces in Hong Kong. Proposed projects include: (1) developing major shopping, dining, entertainment and hotel facilities on the artificial is land which forms par t of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau Br idge; (2) establishment of a Lantau Development Advisory Committee to actively study the feasibility of building hotels and leisure facilities on Lantau and to further develop the vicinity to turn the area in an East Lantau Metropolis; (3) energise the Kowloon East initiative and turn the area into a new Central Business District; (4) increase the supply of commercial property space in Central and Wanchai districts and if practical, include the carparks on Murray Road in Central and Rumsey Street in Sheung Wan in the plan and to finalise the development of Central Harbourfront Site 3 as soon as possible to increase the floor area of office and retail space.

Faced with the inadequate infrastructure to cope with influx of Mainland visitors, it is acceptable that we should be patient if the long term solution would cause some short-term pain before it can be realized. However we must not allow the mega plans to become white elephants at the end of the day. It is hoped that the current Government would be insightful enough to not only answer the calls from the underprivileged but also honour the promises and pledges given to the business community.


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