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As a consumer-driven industry, retail trade is facing immense challenges in the midst of current highly volatile economic situation. Local retailers are grabbling with fierce competitions and heightened operation cost while facing talent shortage spurred by strong tourism demand and structural changes in labour market. To remain competitive, retailers need to remain focused on long term horizons and find innovative solutions that can sustain their business value, success and growth.

Themed “Success & Sustainability”, the 2012 Retail Conference organized by Hong Kong Retail Management Association will be held on 10 May 2012 at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. Entering its fourth successful year, the Conference has become industry’s leading retail forum bringing together entrepreneurs, corporate leaders and retail practitioners to exchange views and experience. A highly-distinguished panel of speakers will share thought-provoking insights and valuable management wisdom with fellow retailers in the following two major areas:

Morning session - “Leadership for Change and Innovation

Speakers will share groundbreaking innovations that take their businesses to a new level. Speakers will also illustrate their visionary leadership in cultivating an inclusive environment that embraces change.

Afternoon session - “Talent Development for Business Sustainability”

Speakers will shed light on new rules of talent management and talent drive initiatives, plus how they are empowered with a broader perspective to support business strategies.

在現今全球經濟氣候瞬息萬變的環境下,以消費者為主導 的零售業正面對龐大的挑戰。 本地的零售商在激烈的競 爭和經營成本增加下摸索前進,而另一方面,強勁的旅遊 業需求以及勞工市場的結構性轉變導致人才短缺。要維持 競爭力,零售商必須要高瞻遠矚,保持廣闊的視野,尋求 新思維以提升業務價值、增長和長遠發展。

香港零售管理協會將於2012年5月10日 (星期四) 假香港會 議展覽中心舉辦2012零售研討會,以「卓越零售 持續成 就」為主題。

協會舉辦的零售研討會,今年踏入第四個成功的年頭,是 業界重要的零售論壇,是企業家、公司領袖及零售從業員 一同交流意見和分享經驗的平台。 本年度,一眾商界翹 楚及企業領袖,將向與會者就以下兩個範疇作分享﹕

上午環節 -「變革領導 創新之路」

講者將分享他們領導團隊創新的寶貴經驗,如何將新思維 融入管理層及公司文化,以致落實執行,成功變革。

下午環節 -「人盡其才成就企業持續發展」

講者將分享企業如何善用人才,在變化急速的市場環境下 發展人才,成就企業持續發展,達致雙贏。

2012 Retail Conference – Success & Sustainability

「卓越零售‧持續成就」 2012 零售研討會

Gain an insight into the volatile and competitive retail market


Explore innovations that drive changes to your business


Discover industry's best practices and success stories from top retailers


Network with retail peers in sharing experiences and challenges



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