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"The New Academic Structure and the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education - A New Basis for Recruiting the Right Person for the Right Job" Seminar

「新學制 - 配合廿一世紀的人力需求.助僱主招聘合適的人才」 簡介會

新學制已於2009年9月實施,首屆畢業生將於2012年應考全新的香港 中學文憑考試。 預計首屆畢業生最快可於2012年下半年投入職場。

新學制下的中學文憑試是採用水平參照模式,以匯報考生的成績。 為協助業界準備招聘及相關事宜,香港零售管理協會於2012年2月22日 舉行了「新學制–配合廿一世紀的人力需求.助僱主招聘合適的 人才」簡介會。

協會當日邀請了教育局課程發展處新高中學制組計劃總監 方歡鈴 女士,向會員講解香港中學文憑新資歷,如何有別於舊學制的香港中

程 人

Following the implementation of the New Academic Structure (NAS) since 2009, the first batch of students will take the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination (HKDSE) in 2012. Some graduates under the NAS are expected to join the job market in the later part of this year.

The HKDSE will use standards-referenced reporting to present candidates' assessment results. To facilitate employers to understand the assessments used in the HKDSE, a seminar on “The New Academic Structure and the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education - A New Basis for Recruiting the Right Person for the Right Job” was held on 22 February 2012.

Ms. Esther Fong, Project Director (New Senior Secondary) of Education Bureau was invited to brief members on this new qualification, and how it differs from the Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination (HKCEE) and the Hong Kong Advanced Level Examination (HKALE) qua l i f i c at i ons unde r the o l d ac ademi c s t r uc tur e. Furthermore, Ms. Fong also explained how students are equipped with the skills required to meet the needs and expectations of today’s employers who would be enabled

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