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Ms. Ruth Yu

Executive Director – HKRMA

Assistant Editors

Ms. Cindy Kuan

Head, Marketing/ Programme – HKRMA

Ms. Column Chu Executive Officer – HKRMA


Ms. Caroline Mak

Chairman – HKRMA

Hon. Vincent Fang, SBS, JP

Legislative Councillor (Functional Constituency Representative for Wholesale & Retail)


02 Table of Content

03 Message from the Chairman of HKRMA 05 Message from Hon. Vincent Fang Flagship Programmes

08 The 5 th Retail Conference - Success & Sustainability 2013

15 2013 Service & Courtesy Award kicks off with Service Forum for Retailers 18 Professional Diploma in Retail Management MOU Signing Ceremony cum Career Talk 21 Privacy Campaign for Retail Industry 2013 23 Call for Enrollment - 2013 AGM Luncheon

- 2013 Anniversary Ball cum Retail Awards Presentation Ceremony 26 Mystery Shoppers Programme

27 Mystery Shoppers Programme - Results of Mar - May 2013 Knowledge Sharing

28 HKRMA Supports Qualifications Framework for the Industry 31 Seminar on Enforcement Guidelines of the Trade Descriptions

(Unfair Trade Practices) (Amendment) Ordinance 2012 33 Snapshots on Workshops Industry News

34 16 th Asia-Pacific Retailers Convention & Exhibition (APRCE) Members' Corner

37 New Member's Column 39 Policies & Legislation Column 39 List of HKRMA Functions

About Hong Kong Retail Management Association 香港零售管理協會

香港零售管理協會於一九八三年由 一班擁有長遠使命的零售商共同創辦。 過去三十年來,本協會在促進本地零售 業發展及代表業界意見,一直扮演著重 要角色;與此同時,透過教育、培訓 及獎項等活動,致力提升零售業的專 業地位。

本協會乃香港主要的零售協會,至今 會員公司店舖逾七千八百間,僱員佔 本港總零售僱員超過二分一。本協會 的會員公司包括飲食店舖、超級市場、 百貨公司、便利店、鐘錶及珠寶店、 時裝飾物店、電子及電器店、專門店, 以及供應商、批發商和與業界相關的 服務機構。

本協會亦是泛亞太區零售商協會聯盟 香港區的唯一零售協會代表,並為聯盟 之創會會員之一,該聯盟的會員遍及 十七個亞太地區及國家。


1. 代表業界聲音,就零售商關注的 事宜,向有關方面反映意見。 2. 促進業界交流及共享資訊。 3. 透過教育、培訓及業界獎項,提升 零售業的專業地位。


香港零售管理協會被公認為業內最具 領導地位的機構,並代表業界接受外界 有關本港零售業的諮詢。

作為業界代表,本協會不時就影響零售 業的事宜及政策,向政府反映意見,並 積極與會員商討政府條例及有關對策, 以保障會員權益。

The Hong Kong Retail Management Association (HKRMA) was founded in 1983 by a group of visionary retailers wi th a long-term mi s s ion to promote Hong Kong’s retail industry and to present a unified voice on issues that affect all retailers. Established for 30 years, the Association has been playing a vital role in representing the trade, and raising the status and professionalism of retailing through awards, education and training. Today, HKRMA is the leading retail association in Hong Kong wi th membe r ship cove r ing more than 7,800 retail outlets and employing over half of the local retail work force. Member organizat ions include cater ing, supermarkets, department stores, convenience stores, watch and jewel ler y stores, fashion and accessor ies stores, electronic and electrical appliance stores, and specialty stores as well as suppliers, wholesalers and industry related service organizations.

HKRMA is one of the founding members of the Federation of Asia-Pacific Retailers Associations (FAPRA) and is the only representing organization from Hong Kong. FAPRA members cover 17 Asian-Pacific countries and regions.

Our Mission

1. To present a unified voice and lobby on issues that affect all retailers.

2. To exchange and share information on common issues. 3. To raise the status and professionalism of retailing through education, training and industry award programmes.

Our Representation

Hong Kong Retai l Management Association is being recognized as the leading organization representing retail and the body to be consulted on industry related issues. The Association also makes regular submissions to the Government on behalf of its members on issues that affect the retail industry and continues to initiate discussions with members on major policies to ensure that their interests are being heard.

Retailers is a quarterly newsletter of the Hong Kong Retail Management Association. Complimentary copies are distributed to all HKRMA members, members of the Federation of Asia-Pacific Retailers Associations (FAPRA - encompassing 17 Asian Pacific economies), key Government officials and departments, related organizations as well as local and overseas business contacts.


HKRMA Members : Complimentary Non-Members : HK$50.00 per copy

(For subscription enquiries of “RETAILERS”, please contact Ms. Peggy Ng of HKRMA.)

Advertising in ‘ Retailers ’/ HKRMA Membership

For enquiries, please contact the Association at (852) 2866-8311 for details.


No part of this newsletter can be reproduced without the prior written permission of

the Hong Kong Retail Management Association.

10/F., First Commericial Building, 33-35 Leighton Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong Tel : (852) 2866-8311 Fax : (852) 2866-8380 Website:

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