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Privacy Campaign for Retail Industry 2013

2013 卓越零售保障私隱活動

Opening Ceremony cum Seminar 講座暨開展儀式

立法會於去年6月27日通過的《2012年個人資 料(私隱)(修訂)條例》(條例),當中有 關直接促銷及法律協助計劃的條文於2013年4月 1日生效。為增加從業員對條例的認識,香港零 售管理協會與香港個人資料私隱專員公署(「公 署」),合作推行零售業保障私隱活動,並以 「卓越零售,保障私隱」為主題。是次活動為期 約九個月,公署將配合零售業在不同工作範疇處 理個人資料的需要,舉辦專業工作坊,及一系列 推廣活動。

協會及公署於2013年6月25日舉行講座,為活動 展開序幕。協會主席麥瑞琼女士介紹,協會將與 公署成立工作小組,探討零售商在營運上會涉及 個人資料的範疇,並共同商議,為業界編制培訓 課程及評估工具,進一步完善零售商在個人資料 收集和處理的工作。

個人資料私隱專員蔣任宏先生在啟動禮上表示, 欣喜見到不少零售商視保障個人資料為服務的必 備元素。他呼籲業界響應今次的活動,一起實踐 保障個人資料私隱,建立尊重私隱的文化。

個人資料私隱專員公署經理(機構傳訊)陳培玲女 士,向在座超過130位零售從業員,簡介《個人 資料(私隱)(修訂)條例》中有關直接促銷的新修訂 條文內容,並分享保障個人資料之六大守則,以 確保符合條例要求。最後由中華電力有限公司法 律總顧問鍾王穎婷女士分享其企業在保障客戶個 人資料方面的管理心得。當日與會者積極參與發 問,討論氣氛熱烈。

協會將於未來數月推出一連串的相關活動,請密 切留意協會通訊。

"The Personal Data (Privacy) (Amendment) Ordinance 2012" was passed by the Legislative Council on 27 June, 2012. New provisions regarding direct marketing and legal assistance schemes have taken effect on 1 April, 2013. In order to enrich the knowledge of members of the industry about the new amendment, the Association joined hands with the Office of Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data ("PCPD") launching a 9-month privacy campaign, with a view to promoting understanding of data protection requirements under the Ordinance and good privacy practice among members of the retail industry. With the campaign lasting for roughly 9 months, the PCPD will be identifying the needs of personal data management in various operation dimensions, and arranging series of promotional activities as well as organizing professional workshops accordingly.

The first seminar was held on 25 June, 2013 to officially kick off the privacy campaign. Speaking at the ceremony, the Chairman of the Association, Ms. Caroline Mak said that a Working Group would be formed consisting members from both the Association and the PCPD. The Working Group is to collaborate with other stakeholders to identify challenges related to personal data management in various business dimensions so as to devise training programmes and assessment tools for members in the industry, hence further consummating retailers' work on the collection and processing of personal information.

Mr. Allan Chiang, the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data, mentioned at the ceremony that he was profoundly grateful that the retail industry has embraced data protection as a service imperative. He encouraged members of the industry to respond proactively to the campaign and consolidate their efforts in protecting data privacy in order to foster a privacy-respectful culture among the industry.

Ms. Carol Chan, Manager (Corporate Communications) of the Of f ice of the PCPD, later introduced the new provisions regarding data collection and use of direct marketing to more than 130 retail practitioners. She also explained the six main principles of data privacy protection that correspond to the requirements of the new amendment. Ms. Elaine Chong, General Counsel of China Light and Power Company Syndicate, rounded up the day by sharing management experiences in protecting clients' data privacy. The active participation of the retail practitioners contributed to an interactive atmosphere at the seminar.

The HKRMA will be hosting a series of related activities in the coming few months, please pay close attention to our newsletters.

個人資料私隱專員蔣任宏先生(左)與香港零售管理協會主席麥瑞琼女士主持 「零售業保障私隱活動 」開展儀式。

Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data, Mr. Allan Chiang (left) and Chairman of the Hong Kong Retail Management Association, Ms. Caroline Mak officiated at the kick-off ceremony of "Privacy Campaign for Retail Industry"



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