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Snapshots on Workshops


Retailing" was hosted on 5 June, 2013. Mr. Paul Ma from KAR Consultants Ltd briefed participants on the concepts and how DiSC can be applied to enhance their sales skills.


Workshop on How to Recruit, Rebuild, Retain Staff @ Social Media 「如何善用社交媒體於員工管理」工作坊

Social media is taking an important role in nowadays business life. It has not only evolved as an essential tool for sales and marketing but also an effective channel to connect with staff. A workshop on "How to Recruit, Rebuild, Retain Staff @ Social Media" was organised on 30 May, 2013 and experts from CSG Consultancy was invited to share with participants on how communication with team members can be enhanced by the strategic use of social media. Members were also briefed with knowledge regarding the different applications on how social media can be applied in human resources management.

社交媒體在現代商業活動越趨重要及普遍。它不但是產品營銷與品牌推廣的必要工具,更是與職員溝通的有效渠道。協會於 2013 5 30



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