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New Member's Column


康維他於1974年在新西蘭成立,創立至今已達39年歷史,是一間 國際天然保健及個人護理產品公司,亦是唯一一間在新西蘭證 券交易所上市的天然保健產品公司(「股份代號: CVT」) 。

康維他一直以「大家的健康」為使命,致力以科研實證及利用 大自然的智慧開發創新產品。產品主要分為三大範疇,包括保 健產品、功能性食品及個人護理產品,而其皇牌產品 – 麥蘆卡 蜂蜜系列及橄欖葉精華素系列更為同類型產品的世界領導者。 與康維他合作的養蜂場超過35,000個,其中5,000多個均由康 維他直接管理用以生產醫療級麥蘆卡蜂蜜。此外,康維他亦 擁有全世界最大的橄欖樹種植園,種植了超過580,000棵橄欖 樹。橄欖葉的種植、採集、至萃取及入樽都在園內進行,以保 最新鮮品質。

康維他把大自然的可持續性融入公司的文化,明白到公司要持 續發展必須要把不同的價值帶給環境、社區、每一位員工及股 東,因此履行社會企業責任亦是康維他公司文化的重要一環。 康維他積極參與社區活動,包括環境保護、兒童教育、蜂農學 金及體育盛事的贊助等等。

康維他的產品透過批發、零售及網上銷售等途徑遍佈全球超過 18個國家,並於新西蘭、澳洲、香港、日本、台灣、南韓及英 國設立辦事處。

Established in 1974, with a proud 39 years of heritage from New Zealand, Comvita is now an international natural health and beauty company, and the only natural health company listed in New Zealand stock market (Stock code: CVT).

With a mission to "produce natural products that improve the communi t y ' s hea l th", Comv i t a i s commi t ted to the development of innovative products, backed by credible scientific research. Comvita has products in the categories of Healthcare, Functional Foods and Personal Care. We are the global leader in Manuka ( leptospermum) honey and fresh-picked Olive Leaf Extract, which are at the core of the Comvita product range. We have more than 35,000 beehives under contract and direct control with more than 5,000 producing specialist medical-grade Manuka honey. Comvita's Olive Leaf Extract is grown, harvested, extracted and bottled at the world's largest specialised olive leaf grove, with over 580,000 olive trees.

Comvita incorporates sustainability into its company culture. We under s tand that the brand has to br ing values and benefits to the environment, community, employees, and all our stakeholders in order to sustain our development. We ac t i ve l y suppor t l oc a l commun i t y ac t i v i t i e s , f rom environmental protection, children' education, beekeepers scholarships to sports events sponsorships.

Comvita sells into more than 18 countries through a network of wholesale, third-party outlets and online. We have offices in New Zealand, Australia, Hong Kong, Japan, Taiwan, South Korea and the United Kingdom.

Information provided by member


Comvita 康維他

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