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Policies & Legislation Column


List of HKRMA Functions


This column is to inform members and readers about the various legislative and industry issues that the Association has reflected its views to the Government or relevant entities.

本欄目是為會員及讀者報道本協會就最近與零售 業息息相關的議題,向政府或有關團體所發表過 的意見。

Association's Views

Please find below a list of issues which the Association has contributed position papers and comments in the last quarter. Details can be found in the HKRMA website:

Letter to the EPD to express trade's views on the amended proposal on the Producer Responsibility Scheme for Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE).

Submission to the Bills Committee of Legislative Council to present views on the Extension of the Environmental Levy Scheme on Plastic Shopping Bags.

Submission on Public Consultation "A New Producer Responsibility Scheme on Glass Beverage Bottles".

Further comments were made on the Enforcement Guidelines of Trade Descriptions (Unfair Trade Practices) (Amendment) Ordinance 2012.


本協會於上季就下列議題提供意見或建議書,詳細內容 可參閱本協會網站

就廢電器電子產品生產者責任計劃的建議修改,去信 環境保護署反映業界意見。

就「擴大塑膠購物袋環保徵費計劃」,去信立法會反映 業界意見。

就政府對《飲品玻璃樽生產者責任計劃》公眾諮詢提 交意見書。

就《2012年商品說明(不良營商手法)(修訂)條例》 執法指引擬稿,進一步提出建議。

For enrollment and further details, please visit 報名及有關詳情,請瀏覽。

Date 日期 Functions 活動項目

5/12/2013 2013 Anniversary Ball cum Retail Awards Presentation Ceremony


14/11/2013 Retail Workshop on "Techniques In Handling Customers Complaints"


24/10/2013 "2013 Hong Kong Awards for Industries: Customer Service" – Award Presentation Ceremony

「2013 香港工商業獎﹕顧客服務」– 頒獎典禮

23/10/2013 2013 Service & Courtesy Award: Preliminary Interview – Final Interview

2013傑出服務獎:總決賽個人面試 18/10/2013 30 th Annual General Meeting cum Luncheon


27/9/2013 2013 Service & Courtesy Award: Preliminary Interview – Junior Frontline Level

2013傑出服務獎:準決賽小組面試 – 基層級別

25/9/2013 2013 Service & Courtesy Award: Preliminary Interview – Supervisory Level

2013傑出服務獎:準決賽小組面試 – 主管級別

17/9/2013 Retail Workshop on "Professional Telephone Standards for Retail Staff"


28/8/2013 Retail Workshop on "Retail Visual Merchandising & Display"


16/8/2013 "2013 Hong Kong Awards for Industries: Customer Service" – Final Central Judging

「2013 香港工商業獎:顧客服務」– 最終評審

7-9/2013 Mystery Shoppers Programme (49 th Period: July – September 2013)

神秘顧客計劃 (第49期:2013年7月至9月)



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