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售的商品售罄之後推銷其它商品,又會否觸犯「先 誘後轉銷售行為」呢?其它的宣傳語,如「最低 價」,「保證有效」,「平通街」,甚或「全店貨 品一折起」等等,都有可能「踩界」,令不少業界 憂慮。希望海關關長在簡介會上能就執法的準則有 確切的解釋。

在法例審議的過程中,官員不斷重覆謂如果能夠證 明賣方並非存心作出有關行為,政府是不會檢控 的。惟在消費權益高漲的今天,法例肯定會導致消 費投訴的增加,而消費者委員會宣佈數字時,祗公 佈投訴數字,並沒有公佈有多少投訴是成立的。如 果投訴香港購物的個案上升,對香港零售行業來說 也是負面的。因此,本人不單要請消委會出席有關 的簡介會,稍後,我亦會向消委會反映意見。

最後,非常高興看見麥瑞琼女士以香港零售管理協 會主席的身份被政府委任為「研究完善配方粉供應 鏈方案委員會」主席。正如我和商界朋友一直強調 的,香港從來沒有出現「嬰幼兒奶粉短缺」,今年 農曆新年出現的問題主要是供應商的供需策略未能 配合零售環節的銷售;加上本港消費者將需求緊張 的現象無限擴張,將問題變成城中關注點。而香港 7家主要奶粉供應商在6月份簽署了「供應充足約 章」,一方面改善對非連鎖零售商的供應鏈,又承 諾有緊急需要時,會以空運補充貨源等,相信定能 有助完善整體的供應鏈。

政府已經承諾在10月份就限奶令進行檢討,又表 示「當改善措施證實有效及可持續運作時」,就 會考慮廢除這條限奶令。當立法會10月份恢復會 期之後,本人亦會透過不同途徑,要求政府儘快 檢討和提交立法會相關委員會進行討論,希望早 日看見這條影響著香港自由港地位的法例,能早 日被廢除!

products which have a limited supply, would retailers be accused of "bait-and-switch" if an alternative product is offered after the limited quantity of the original product is sold out? Other marketing and promotional slogans such as "lowest price", "guaranteed to be effective", "lowest price on the street", "all goods are on sale from 90% discount" etc could potentially be considered as breaching the law. It is hoped that the Commissioner for Customs & Excise would be able to give clear explanations on many of these concerns expressed by the trade in the forthcoming briefing.

When the amendment bill was under scrutiny in the Legco, officials have repeatedly given reassurances that if it could be proven that the retailer concerned did not breach the relevant provision with intention, no prosecution would be brought against the retailer. However given the heightened consumers' rights in today's society, the new law will definitely boost the number of complaints. The Consumer Counci l on the other hand only releases f igures of complaints rather than those that are valid. I therefore would urge the Consumer Council to participate in the briefing session and I will also relay the concern of the trade to the Council.

In closing, I would like to say that we are pleased to know that Ms. Caroline Mak, Chairman of the Hong Kong Retail Management Association was appointed to lead a new committee established to study and recommend a proposal on improving the supply chain management of powdered formula. As I have said many times, there has never been a shortage of powdered formula in Hong Kong. The acute problem we have seen during the Lunar New Year was the result of mismatch between supply and demand and the situation was aggravated by the strong demand of the product from local parents. The seven main suppliers of powdered formula have signed a pledge in June to provide adequate supply to consumers. They have also undertaken to improve the supply chain and to airfreight products to Hong Kong in case of emergency. I believe these actions would help improve the situation.

The Government has agreed to conduct a review on the current control imposed on powdered formula in October and has pledged to void the control "once the measures put in place have proven to be effective and sustainable". When the Legco resumes its work in October, I will urge the Government to conduct the review as soon as possible and will to bring the matter to the relevant Legco Panel for discussion with the aim of eliminating any kind of control on the product.


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