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Mystery Shoppers Programme "2013 Service Retailers of the Year" Presentation Ceremony

神秘顧客計劃「 2013 年最佳服務零售商」頒獎禮

由協會舉辦的「神秘顧客計 劃」於1996年推出,旨在表 揚提供優質服務的傑出零售 商,並藉此提升香港零售業 界的服務質素。業界已廣泛 採用此計劃以評估其公司的 顧客服務水平,力求做得盡善盡美。

計劃推出至今已進行了超過80,000次神秘顧客探訪。2013年, 參與計劃的零售品牌共有175個,來自18個零售類別,覆蓋超 過5,000間店鋪,計劃合共進行了10,442次神秘探訪。

「最佳服務零售商」是「神秘顧客計劃」所設立的獎項,表揚 於全年三個評審期內得分最高的傑出零售商,讚揚他們在過去 一年持續不斷提供優質服務。

2013年度,共有21個零售商獲頒發「全年最佳服務零售商 - 組 別獎」及「飛躍進步獎」。香港電燈有限公司奪得「最佳服務 零售商大獎」這項殊榮,而莎莎國際控股有限公司 - La Colline

專門店則連續第二年贏得「卓越成就獎」。所有得獎公司都在 2013年12月5日舉辦的三十周年晚會暨頒獎典禮上,獲中聯辦 副主任殷曉靜女士以及協會兩位榮譽會士周梁淑怡女士及方剛 先生頒發獎座。

Launched by the Association in 1996, the Mystery Shoppers Programme (the Programme) aims to recognize outstanding retail operators for their excellent service and improve the overall customer service standard in Hong Kong's retail industry. Retailers widely adopt this benchmarking tool in order to gauge their customer service standard and to strive for excellence. The Programme has successfully carried out more than 80,000 mystery shopper visits since its launch. Throughout the year of 2013, a total of 10,442 mystery visits were conducted to over 5,000 outlets of 175 participating brands covering 18 retail categories. The "Service Retailers of the Year" is an annual award scheme under the Mystery Shoppers Programme. It aims to recognize retailers who have shown excellent service per formance by achieving the highest scores over the three assessment periods during the year.

In 2013, 21 companies had won retail category awards and the Great Progress Award. The Grand Award went to The Hongkong Electric Co. Ltd. , while Sa Sa International Holdings Ltd. – La Colline Shop won the Excellence Award for the second year. At the 30 th Anniversary Ball cum Retail Awards Presentation Ceremony on 5 December, 2013, al l winning companies had proudly received their trophies presented by Ms. Yin Xiao Jing, Deputy Director, Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the HKSAR, and the Honorary Fellows of the Association, Mrs. Selina Chow and Mr. Vincent Fang.



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