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2013 Retail Conference - Success & Sustainability

「卓越零售‧持續成就」 2013 零售研討會

隨著周邊地區競爭日益激烈,加上全球經濟不穩,本 港零售商要保持業務發展,實在面對重重考驗。要在 這變幻不定的市場維持競爭優勢,零售商需要主動尋 求創新方案以穩固業務的根基,並建立一支高效率的 團隊迎接各項挑戰。

香港零售管理協會將於2013年5月9日舉辦「卓越零 售‧持續成就」2013零售研討會。研討會今年已踏 入第五屆,是零售業界一大重要論壇,匯集企業家和 來自不同零售界別的公司領袖及決策者,就推動零售 業務的持續發展,彼此交流意見和經驗。協會今年邀 請了八位業界翹楚及企業領袖,向與會者分享他們在 管理及業務營運的真知灼見。


講者將分享如何制定獨特的品牌策略,以吸引不同 的顧客群和配合顧客不斷改變的生活模式,並講述 他們將創意點子逐步執行,帶領公司開創新領域的 成功要訣。


講者將會談及他們追求卓越所奉行的領導方式,以及 如何克服種種困難,成功建立品牌的歷程。講者亦會

At a time of intense regional competition and uncertain global economy, local retailers are posed with increasing challenges of business sustainability. To maintain their competitive edge, retailers are proactively seeking for innovative solutions to strengthen their businesses and build an agile team of staff to weather the volatile market conditions.

The "2013 Retail Conference - Success & Sustainability" organized by the Hong Kong Retail Management Association will be held on 9 May, 2013 (Thursday). Entering its fifth successful years, the Retail Conference has become a leading retail forum in Hong Kong providing a platform for entrepreneurs, corporate leaders and retail practitioners to exchange views and experience. This year, the Retail Conference will continue to call on eight prominent speakers from the retail and related industries to share their invaluable market insights and management wisdom with fellow retailers to achieve business goals.

Morning Session - "Brand Innovation in the Dynamic World"

In the morning session, speakers will illustrate how they have adopted innovative branding strategy to appeal to a diversified customer base and respond to the ever-changing lifestyle of consumers. They will also reveal the winning formula to translate innovative ideas into implementation that take their businesses to a new level.

Afternoon Session - "Leadership in an Era of Transformation"

Speakers in the afternoon session will talk about their insights on visionary leadership in building a successful brand amid the world of hyper change that now surrounds retailers. They will also shed light on inspirational ways to create an engaged and connected workforce that effectively anticipate


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