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HKRMA 30 th Annual General Meeting cum Luncheon

30 屆周年大會暨午餐交流研討會

香港零售管理協會第30屆周年大會暨午餐交流研 討會將於2013年10月18日(星期五)假香港萬豪 酒店舉行,歡迎會員及同業參加。

周年大會是協會的重要活動之一,當日將有二百多 位來自會員公司,以及商界的領袖和高級行政人員 參與。今年本協會很榮幸邀請了剛於今年4月上任 的香港旅遊發展局主席林建岳博士為主講嘉賓。他 將會與我們分享他對香港旅遊業未來發展的獨特見 解,以及旅遊業為香港零售商帶來的契機。

The Association is pleased to announce that the 30 th Annual General Meeting (AGM) Luncheon will be held on Friday, 18 October, 2013 at the JW Marriott Hong Kong Hotel. Members and fellow retailers are cordially invited to join this signature event of the Association.

With about 200 prominent guests from our member companies, the retail trade, as well as key representatives from the business community, the AGM Luncheon is one of the Association's annual signature events. This year, we are very honoured to have invited Dr. Peter Lam, Chairman of Hong Kong Tourism Board who has just assumed the position in April 2013, as our distinguished guest speaker for the luncheon. Dr. Lam will share his vision on tourism development in the time ahead and its implications to retailers in Hong Kong.

Rundown of Luncheon 午餐研討會活動程序

Date 日期 : 18 October, 2013 (Friday) 2013年10月18日(星期五) Time 時間 : 12:00 noon - Cocktail 酒會


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