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HKRMA "SME Retail Service Excellence" Award

香港零售管理協會 「零售中小企 優質服務獎」

Applauding Success‧Driving for Excellence 表揚卓越‧成就服務之都

SME Support

中小企於香港經濟發展擔當重要位置,但往往由於缺乏資 源,影響他們的市場競爭力。有見及此,香港零售管理協會 自2010年開始,向香港特區政府工業貿易處申請「中小企業 發展支援基金」,並連續三年成功獲得撥款,推出一系列針 對中小企零售商的支援計劃。

協會去年六月推出的第三期中小企支援計劃,涵蓋範圍更深 更廣。除了舉辦零售研討會、工作坊、考察團、神秘顧客服 務計劃和推出i Phone手機應用程式(App)「購物Guide」 推廣平台外,更首度設立「零售中小企 優質服務獎」,表 揚服務傑出的中小企零售商,以鼓勵他們不斷追求卓越的 服務,務求提升香港整體的顧客服務水平。經過神秘顧客 評審,13間中小企脫穎而出,獲頒發優質服務獎項;而在 iPhone App「購物Guide」手機及網上投票獲最高票數的一間 中小企則獲頒「全城至Like商戶獎」。

「零售中小企 優質服務獎」的頒獎禮暨分享會於2013年4 月9日舉行,由協會副主席葉焯德先生向14間得獎公司的代 表頒發各個獎座和獎狀。協會也邀請了兩位嘉賓講者:Green Toma t o市場總監莊芷坤小姐,以及莎莎國際控股有限公司 培訓及人才發展總監孫美妮小姐向當日出席超過140位中小 企零售商分享她們對零售市場推廣及優質服務的經驗。獲得 「優質服務獎」金、銀、銅獎及「全城至Like商戶獎」的公司 亦分享了他們的得獎心得。

Small and medium enterprises (SME) are an important pillar of Hong Kong's economy. However, they are always short of resources to raise their competitiveness in the market. In view of this, the Association has been implementing a series of SME support initiatives with funding from the SME Development Fund of the Trade and Industry Department of the HKSAR Government since 2010.

The third phase of the SME Support Programme was launched in June 2012 which covered an extensive range of activities. Apart from seminars, workshops, company visits, mystery shoppers programme and the launch of the iPhone App "Shoping Guide", a "SME Retail Service Excellence" Award was also set up for the first time. The Award was established to recognise the outstanding customer service delivered by SME retailers and encourage them to achieve service excellence hence uplifting the overall customer service standard of the retail industry of Hong Kong.

The award presentation ceremony cum sharing session was held on 9 April, 2013 with over 140 fellow SME retailers attended. The representatives of the 14 winning companies received their trophy or certificate from Mr. Henry Yip, Vice Chairman of the Association. At the sharing session, Ms. Jacqueline Chong, Chief Marketing Officer of Green Tomato and Ms. Mary Suen, Director of Training and People Development of Sa Sa International Holdings Limited, shared their experience in retail marketing and quality customer service, followed by the sharing of winning tips by the recipients of the Gold, Silver and Bronze awards and the "Most Liked" award.



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