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The Sharing Session




贏得金獎的myAFFECTION Ltd認為優質服 務是把客人需求變成自己的需求一樣,將 心比己,才會做得出色。零售商要做好顧 客關係管理,不能只顧短綫而忽略顧客的 感受,才能贏取口碑,獲取顧客的愛戴。 面對人手及資源有限,該公司強調要把工 作變成流程及做到標準化,並且可以利用 知識管理方法,把工作承傳及記錄下來。 是次得獎正體現了公司的使命 –「感受、 特色、回憶」,讓顧客感受不一樣的婚慶 專業團隊、非一般特色用心的服務,讓客 人回憶當中細節及難忘片段。

Ms. Jacqueline Chong

Chief Marketing Officer of Green Tomato Green Tomato 市場總監莊芷坤小姐

莊芷坤小姐以「不用接觸的零售接觸點推廣」為題,分享如何利用網絡媒體推廣公司業務。她指出利用網站或手 機應用程式這些工具作宣傳推廣時,必須為用家帶來「Wow Factor」(驚喜),務求令他們在首次登上網站或 使用程式時有眼前一亮的感覺,即時搏取他們的注意。網站或手機程式也必須有獨特的用途,才會令用家持續瀏 覽和使用。此外,她提醒公司要在網站或手機程式的內容更新和管理維護方面下功夫,才能留住用家。莊芷坤明白中小企受制於有限的預 算,因此她鼓勵中小企零售商可嘗試利用現存的媒體平台作宣傳。

Ms. Chong shared how to tap into online marketing to promote and expand businesses. She pointed out that it was essential to bring the users a "wow" factor when the user first browsed a website or opened a mobile application (App) in order to attract their immediate attention. It was also important to make the website or App useful so that users would have the urge to bookmark the website or keep the App on their phones. She reminded retailers to pay effort on content update and website/App maintenance in order to retain users. Knowing SME always run on a limited promotion budget, she suggested retailers could ride on existing online marketing platform for their own promotion.

Ms. Mary Suen

Director of Training and People Development of Sa Sa International Holdings Limited


孫美妮小姐以「優質顧客服務」為題,分享莎莎「一切從心開始」的顧客服務理念。在接待顧客方面,最重要是 前線員工以關心的角度出發,把客人當為朋友,向他們推介合適的產品。店舖主管也會主動向沒有購物的顧客, 查詢他們對產品和服務的意見。為方便顧客購物,莎莎會因應店舖的所在地區而調整店舖的運作,例如在遊客區的店舖,顧客通常都手執 購物清單,而且買得匆忙,於是他們會安排員工一個負責取貨,一個負責包裝,以縮短顧客的購物時間。同時,莎莎亦透過各種流行的社 交媒體,向顧客發放最新資訊,以便與客人建立長遠關係。

Ms. Suen shared the belief of "Service with Heart" which the company had long been adhered to. She mentioned that it was important for frontline staff to treat customers as friends and introduce them the suitable, instead of expensive products. Store supervisors would also proactively ask customers who did not make a purchase for their feedbacks on the product and service. Sa Sa adjusted the shop front operations according to the location of the shop to provide a better service. For instance, realizing that tourists always visited the shop with a shopping list and were always in a hurry, two staff members were assigned to serve a customer so that one could go to get the stock while the other could start packing to speed up the check-out process. Ms. Suen also mentioned that Sa Sa disseminated the latest information to their customers via various popular social media platforms to develop a long-term relationship with them.

Sharing by Winning Companies



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