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Industry News

Highlights of the Government's business facilitation work and business consultations relevant to the retail sector



政府致力為本港建立更利便營商的環境,積極推行各項 方便營商措施,包括在方便營商諮詢委員會(方諮會) 轄下成立批發及零售業工作小組(工作小組),以助把 批發及零售業所關注的規管障礙一一消除,並提供溝通 平台,利便政府與商界就規管建議交換意見。工作小組 由麥瑞琼女士(方諮會委員兼香港零售管理協會主席) 領導,成員包括批發及零售業不同範疇的代表。財政司 司長辦公室轄下的經濟分析及方便營商處與香港零售管 理協會合作,重點介紹政府的方便營商措施及相關的營 商諮詢,讓業界定期獲悉最新資訊。


為利便食物零售業經營,食物環境衞生署(食環署)已 推出下列三項措施:

(1) 綜合食物店牌照

食環署自二零一零年八月一日起推出綜合食物店牌照, 容許出售多種簡單或即食而不涉及複雜配製過程的指定 類別食物,以及配製該等食物以供出售,但只准使用電 力燃料。為提高簽發正式綜合食物店牌照的效率,該署 採用第三者核證制度,讓業界在經營即食食物零售業務 方面更有彈性。

措施詳情見食環署網頁,網址如下: Composite_Food_Shop_Licence.pdf

(2) 暫准食物製造廠牌照的快線發牌程序

為利便業界,食環署在二零零九年四月推出快線發牌程 序,就涉及已煮熟腸類、肉類及其他食品的加熱工序, 簽發暫准食物製造廠牌照。申請人如選擇循快線發牌程 序申請暫准食物製造廠牌照,必須就申領牌照的處所遞 交符合法定圖則規限聲明書,而該處所也必須符合若干 規定。



The Government i s commi t ted to improv ing the ease of doing business in Hong Kong. As part of its business facilitation efforts, the Government has set up the Wholesale and Retail Task Force (WRTF) under the Business Facilitation Advisory Committee (BFAC) to help remove regulatory barriers of concern to the wholesale and retail sectors and provide a platform to facilitate Government-business communication on relevant regulatory proposals. WRTF is chaired by Ms. Caroline Mak, BFAC member and Chairman of the Hong Kong Retail Management Association (HKRMA), with broad representation from the wholesale and retail sectors. To keep you updated of the Government’s business facilitation initiatives and relevant business consultations, the Economic Analysis and Business Facilitation Unit (EABFU) of the Financial Secretary’s Office collaborates with HKRMA to provide you with regular updates.

Business facilitation initiatives

To facilitate the food retail trade, the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD) has implemented the following three business facilitation measures –

(1) Composite Food Shop Licence (CFSL)

FEHD has implemented CFSL since 1 August, 2010. CFSL covers the sale and preparation for sale of various specified types of simple or ready-to-eat foods that do not involve complicated preparation and only electricity is allowed to be used as fuel. A third party certification system is adopted for the issue of a full CFSL more quickly. This measure provides greater flexibility to the operation of the ready-to-eat food retail business.

You may refer to the FEHD website for details via hk/english/howtoseries/forms/new/Composite_Food_Shop_Licence.pdf.

(2) Fast track procedures for new issue of provisional food factory licence (PFFL)

For food factories with business involving reheating of pre-cooked sausages, meat and other food products, FEHD has introduced fast track licensing procedures for issue of PFFL since April 2009 to facilitate trade. Food factory licence applicant with his/her premises under application meeting certain criteria may choose to adopt the fast track procedures for issue of PFFL by submission of a self-declaration on compliance with statutory plan restrictions for the premises under application.

You may refer to the FEHD website for details via hk/english/forms/licence_231.html.


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