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(3) 食物業牌照網上申請服務

食環署自二零一三年一月一日起推出多種商業牌照的網 上申請服務,包括13種食物業牌照/許可證(其中包括 綜合食物店牌照、新鮮糧食店牌照、冰凍甜點製造廠牌 照等)。這項措施除了利便業界隨時隨地提交申請,還 可提高該署在接收和處理食物業牌照方面的效率。

措施詳情見食環署網頁,網址如下: notice.html


(1) 營商諮詢電子平台

經濟分析及方便營商處在香港政府一站通新增營商諮詢 電子平台(,利便商界瀏覽諮詢資 訊,以了解可能影響營商環境的擬訂規例並提出意見。 如欲接收營商諮詢活動的最新資訊,不妨訂閱RS S頻 道。

為更利便商界接收有關規管建議的諮詢資訊,經濟分析 及方便營商處最近推出「營商諮詢電子平台」的iPhone 流動應用程式。只要到iPhone App Store搜尋「諮詢」, 便可免費下載該應用程式。

(2) 2012 年商品說明(不良營商手法)(修訂)條 例》執法指引擬稿的公眾諮詢

諮詢期已於二零一三年三月十七日完結。對於執法指引 的擬稿,批發及零售業工作小組及香港零售管理協會向 政府提出了有用意見。儘管諮詢期已經結束,政府會繼 續與有關業界和其他相關各方溝通,以便該修訂條例順 利推行。政府期望在六月為執法指引定稿,並在今年第 三季實施修訂條例。

(3) 飲品玻璃樽生產者責任計劃公眾諮詢

公眾諮詢現正進行。根據建議的計劃,玻璃樽裝飲品的 零售商須向消費者提供有關回收廢棄飲品玻璃樽的資 訊。如有意見和建議,歡迎在二零一三年五月六日前 向政府提出。有關公眾諮詢文件的內容,請瀏覽http://。

(3) Electronic licence application services to food business licences

FEHD has implemented e submission service for various types of business licences including 13 types of food business licence/permit applications (including CSFL, Fresh Provision Shop Licence, Frozen Confection Factory Licence, etc.) since 1 January, 2013. This measure provides the trade with an additional channel for submission of their applications at any time and from everywhere. It also enhances the department’s efficiency in receiving and processing food business licence applications.

You may refer to the FEHD website for details via hk/english/licensing/eapplication_notice.html.

Business consultations

(1) Business Consultation e-Platform

EABFU has set up a business consultation e-platform ( / bizconsult) under the GovHK portal to facilitate the business sectors to access consultation information relating to proposed regulations with business impact and to offer their feedback. You may consider subscribing to the RSS feeds to receive updates on business consultation exercises.

To further enhance the accessibility of consultation information on regulator y proposals by the business sector, EABFU had recently launched an iPhone appl i cat ion for the Bus ines s Consul tat ion e-Platform. The mobile application was available for free download on the iPhone App Store by searching for "consultation".

(2) Public consultation on Draft Enforcement Guidelines for the Trade Descriptions (Unfair Trade Practices) (Amendment) Ordinance 2012

The consultation period ended on 17 March, 2013. WRTF and HKRMA have provided constructive comments to the Government on the Draft Enforcement Guidelines. The Government will continue to engage relevant trades and other stakeholders after the consultation period to facilitate smooth implementation of the Amendment Ordinance. The Government aims to finalize the Enforcement Guidelines in June and commence the Amendment Ordinance in the third quarter of this year.

(3) Public consultation on a new producer responsibility scheme on glass beverage bottles

The publ ic consultation is under way. Retai lers of glass-bot tled beverages are required to provide consumers with information relating to the recycling of waste beverage bottles under the proposed scheme. You are invited to provide your views and comments to the Government by 6 May, 2013. The public consultation document can be accessed via

Report provided by the Economic Analysis and Business Facilitation Unit, Financial Secretary’s Office




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