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鴻星集團旗下之鴻星海鮮酒家創立於1989年,至今在香港、 上海及東京,分別設有13間、2間及1間分店。鴻星集團出品 重質,食物新鮮而富創意,當中石頭魚及黃油蟹更風靡一時, 成為市場佳話。歷年來鴻星廚師獲獎無數,並積極參與各類美 食推廣活動,務求將香港美食帶到全世界。

憑藉多年餐飲業經驗及穩健基礎,集團近年致力發展「Dining Club」,並開設不同菜系的餐廳,包括「金饍韓國料理」、「錦 丼鮪專門店」、「燒肉牛蔵和牛專門店」、「大都烤鴨」、 「潮州棧」、「茶記」、「嚼江南蘇杭上海菜館」、「八重櫻 鍋屋」及「京都抹茶屋」,將世界各地的美食帶至香港。

與此同時,集團致力開發零售產品市場。「鴻星食品」於各大 展銷會均大受好評,並設有多個分銷點,招牌食品包括獨創的 「竹筒糭」、「金箔迷你月餅」、「脆脆銀魚系列」、「甘露 系列」、「臘味系列」及「醬料系列」等,當中「甘露系列」 及「脆脆銀魚系列」更深受客戶歡迎。集團於香港自設食品 廠,保證食品日日新鮮製造。此外,集團於2011年成立全新 概念店「Eas y123廚藝工作室」,開辦各式烹飪課程,並由集 團之專業大廚親自教授,藉此教育及推廣飲食文化。

Founded in 1989, Super Star Seafood Restaurant of Super Star Group ("The Group") currently has 13, 2 and 1 shop(s) in Hong Kong, Shanghai and Tokyo respectively. The Group emphasizes on excel lence of food qual i t y by present ing delicacies with freshness and creativity. Stone fish and royal crabs are the signature dishes of the Group as a leading topic in the market. The chefs of the Group are awarded in kinds of culinary competitions throughout years and participate in various catering promotion campaigns with mission of promoting delicacy to the world.

With plentiful catering experience and stable foundation, the Group established "Dining Club" to expand businesses in various styles of restaurants, including "Kimchee Korean Restaurant", "Nishiki Don", "Yakiniku Gyukura", "Empire City Roasted Duck", "Chiu Chow Restaurant", "Cha Kee", "Dining Fine", "Sakura Shabu Shabu" and "Kyoto Matcha Café", in order to introduce global delicacies to Hong Kong.

A t t h e s ame t i me , t h e G r o u p i s c omm i t t e d t o t h e development of the retail products market. "Super Star Food" is highly acclaimed in major trade fairs and has numerous distr ibution points, the signature products compr ise the original "Bamboo Glutinous Rice Dumpling", "Gold Leaf Mini Mooncake", "Crispy Whitebait Series", "Mango Smoothies Series", "Chinese Preserved Meat Series" and "Chinese Sauce Ser i es ", in whi ch "Cr i spy Whi tebai t Ser i es " and "Mango Smoothies Series" are the most popular among customers. The Group has its own food factory in Hong Kong. The food is manufactured daily and freshly as guaranteed. In addition, the Group established a new concept store "Easy123 Dining & Cooking Studio" in 2011, offering all kinds of cooking classes instructed by the Group' s professional chef team, thus to educate and promote the food culture.

Information provided by member


Super Star Group 鴻星集團


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