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Scheme Features

A talent platform for the industry's long-term development

The Scheme aims to nur ture new blood and establish a talent education platform to support the long-term development of the industry with quality manpower

Paid learning experience as the first step to realise dreams

Under the Scheme, student-workers will attend classes at VTC three days a week and receive on-the-job training at the participating retai lers three days a week with an average monthly salar y of HK$4,800

Student-workers will also receive a monthly tuition fee subsidy of HK$1,100 from the employers

The government will offer each student-worker an average allowance of HK$2,000 per month

Recognised qualification and flexible path to continuing education Student-worker s complet ing the retai l training wi l l receive a Certificate in Retailing at QF Level 3 as a professional qualification

Upon completion of the Scheme, student-workers will enjoy a qualification equivalent to five HKDSE subjects (including English and Chinese) at Level 2, allowing them to enrol in Higher Diploma programmes or other higher education programmes

A clear career path

The Scheme helps student-workers lay a solid foundation for future career through systematic learning and training, and offer a clear career path

Guaranteed income upon completion

I f a s tudent-worker is employed by the same employer upon completing the Scheme, he/she will receive a monthly income of no less than HK$11,000

Recruitment is open for Secondary 6 graduates before commencement of the programme in September. For details, please visit the VTC website:

For interested HKRMA members, please visit the HKRMA website:


為配合零售業長遠發展 構建人才發展平台 計劃旨在為零售業界培育更多新血、啟動 一個發展人才的平台,確保人力資源能夠 配合業界的長遠發展

有學有賺 理想起步點

計劃期內,學員每周三天在院校上課,另 外三天則於受僱機構接受在職培訓,獲取 工作經驗及每月平均4,800元的收入



學歷具認受性 靈活貫通進修階梯

零售課程具資歷架構第三級認可,奠定學 員的專業地位

修畢課程,等同香港中學文憑試五科第2級 (包括中、英文)學歷,學員可銜接高級 文憑或更高學歷,向專業路邁進

晉升路徑 清晰預見

透過有系統的學習和培訓,計劃為學員打 好事業基礎,並為他們提供清晰的事業晉 升路徑

完成計劃 入息有保證

畢業學員如繼續受僱於培訓期間同一僱 主,收入不少於11,000元

計劃至九月開學前,仍接受中六畢業生報名。 計劃詳情可瀏覽VTC網站﹕www.v earnlearn

有興趣參與計劃的協會會員公司,請瀏覽協 會網站﹕ learn_intro.html

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