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Mr. Henry Yip said in his remarks: "The retail industry is one of the pillars of our economy and sustainable talent education is critical to the trade's healthy development. We are encouraged by the Government's support for the growth of our sector and the ‘Earn & Learn Pilot Scheme for Retail Industry' is one of the key initiatives. The Scheme has been well received by retailers and there are 49 participating brands that offer near 1,000 training opportunities."

He also appreciated members ' enthusiastic suppor t for the Scheme: "We only had four months to prepare for the Scheme. Since this February, representatives of the Commerce and Economic Development Bureau (CEDB), teaching staff of the VTC and members of the HKRMA had met frequently to discuss the details. Briefing sessions were also held to promote the Scheme to our members. We would like to take this oppor tunity to express our gratitude to all the participating members for their support."

The "Earn & Learn Pilot Scheme for Retail Industry" is built on the recommendations by the Task Force on Manpower Development of the Retail Industry and has been implemented with the funding allocated in the 2014-15 Budget. Jointly developed by the CEDB, HKRMA and VTC, the Scheme represents a new training approach that combines "vocational education" and "work", allowing young people to learn in the workplace and equip themselves with all necessary skills to join the industry.

The Scheme will recruit about 1,500 HKDSE graduates in the next three years and an 18-month Foundation Diploma will be launched in this September.

協會副主席葉焯德先生致詞時表示:「零售業是香港經濟 其中重要一環,要保持業界穩健發展,持續培育零售人才 至為重要。協會很高興看到政府支持零售業的人力發展, 『職』學創前路先導計劃是其中一個重點項目。計劃亦得 到業界的踴躍支持,現時參加的公司品牌有49個,提供 培訓職位數目接近一千個,反應相當理想。」

葉先生亦感激大家對計劃的鼎力支持,他表示:「計劃的 整個籌備過程,由今年2月開始,只有短短四個多月。這 段時間,政府商務及經濟發展局同事、職業訓練局的教職 員,以及不少協會會員代表進行了多次會議,為計劃仔細 釐定了執行細節,並多次舉辦講座,向零售公司推廣計 劃。協會藉此機會,感謝各會員的支持和參與。」

「職」學創前路先導計劃的概念,是政府聽取了零售業人 力發展專責小組的建議,並於今年《財政預算案》落實撥 款推行。計劃由商務及經濟發展局、香港零售管理協會及 職業訓練局三方携手合作,用一個嶄新的形式,以「職業 教育」與「工作」並行,讓年青人邊做邊學,作為投身零 售行業的理想起步點。

計劃在未來三年共提供約1 , 500個名 額,並於今年九月先推出為期 十八個月的基礎文憑 課程。

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