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Earn & Learn Pilot Scheme for Retail Industry

Memorandum of Understanding Signing Ceremony

零售業「職」學創前路先導計劃 合作備忘錄簽署儀式

The Hong Kong Retai l Management Associat ion (HKRMA) and the Vocational Training Council (VTC) signed a Memorandum of Understanding on 18 July, 2014 for the "Earn & Learn Pilot Scheme for Retail Industry" ("the Scheme"). Tailored for Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) graduates, the Scheme aims to recruit new blood for the retail industry by providing paid learning experience and attractive development opportunities.

The Signing Ceremony was witnessed by the honorable presence of Mr. Gregory So Kam-leung, GBS, JP, Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development, Dr. Clement Chen, SBS, JP, Chairman of VTC, Mr. Angus Wai, Vice-Chairman of Retail Trade Training Board of VTC, Ms. Susanna Chan, Deputy Executive Director of VTC, Mr. Winston Chow, Executive Committee Member of HKRMA, and representatives of the participating retailers. Signed by Mrs. Carrie Yau, GBS, JP, Executive Director of VTC, and Mr. Henry Yip, Vice-Chairman of HKRMA, the Memorandum marks a new milestone in retail talent development.

The Scheme provides a platform for the industry to nurture talents and, by bringing together the insights in people development of the sector, secures the manpower required for the industry's long-term development. Dr. Clement Chen noted in his opening remarks: "By learning from the successful experiences of Germany and Switzerland in vocational education, VTC conceived the concept of 'earn and learn' that combines theoretical education and work placement to meet the needs of local market and the industry. In additional to training young workforce for the industry, the Scheme also promotes the upward mobility of young people, enhancing the quality of local labour force for a more robust economic development."

香港零售業管理協會(協會)與職業訓練局 (V T C)於2014年7月18日簽訂了合作備忘 錄,推動零售業「職」學創前路先導計劃(計 劃),為中六的畢業學員提供有學有賺的學習 條件,吸引年輕人加入零售業,為他們提供良 好的發展機會。

合作備忘錄簽署儀式,由商務及經濟發展局局長 蘇錦樑先生、VTC主席陳鎮仁先生、VTC零售業 訓練委員會副主席衛有安先生、VTC副執行幹事 陳秀青女士、協會執委周允成先生,以及不少參 與計劃的零售公司代表蒞臨見証;並由VTC執行 幹事尤曾家麗女士及協會副主席葉焯德先生代表 簽署,標誌著零售業專業人才培訓邁向新里程。

這項計劃啟動了一個能夠持續為零售業發展人才 的平台,匯集了業界對人才培育的使命,確保人 力資源能夠配合業界的長遠發展。於簽署儀式 上,VTC主席陳鎮仁博士說:「VTC參考德國、 瑞士等地推行職業教育的成功經驗,回應本地市 場和行業實際需要,發展『職學並行』的概念, 推動結合理論教育和職場工作的學習模式。計劃 旨在為零售業培育合適的人才之外,亦希望會為 年輕人造就更多向上流動的機會,提升香港人力 資源質素,貢獻經濟發展。」

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