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Entering into its 29th anniversary, the theme of this year's Service & Courtesy Award is "Commending a Genuine Heart for Service Excellence". To provide the outstanding frontline retail professionals with extra recognition, two new awards are introduced this year.

The "Outstanding Performance Award" will recognize the top 10% of participants with the highest ranking in each category of the Junior Frontline Level and the Supervisory Level.

The "Excellent Service Star Award" will be dedicated to individuals scoring full marks in the mystery shopper assessment.

傑出服務獎至今已踏入第29屆,本年度的主題是「同心同行,表揚服務賢能」,並新增兩個獎 項,以肯定前線零售員工的努力。



New elements of 2014 Service & Courtesy Award 2014傑出服務獎的新設獎項

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