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Sharing by trainers of the Service & Courtesy Award winners


enneth Tam, member of the 2014 Service & Courtesy Award Organizing Committee, chaired a discussion with the trainers of the Service & Courtesy Award winners. Ms. Alice Chan, Manager, ng and Development of DFS Group Limited, Ms. Yung Ko, HR Manager, Learning & Development – ome, The Diary Farm Group, and Ms. Sherman Chan, Assistant Training Manager of G2000 Apparel hared their tips in equipping their staff for the fierce competition of the Service & Courtesy Award. lice Chan revealed that DFS Group welcomes their staff to self-nominate to join this competition. believe self-nominated staff often exhibit greater motivation as they would have to go through al interview in order to get the support from the company.

ung Ko indicated that they embarked on training of the staff participating in the competition as as in March. Trainers would spend time with the participating staff and their teammates at the and help them to deliver their best performance in the mystery shopper assessment, which would ke place during the high season in July and August.

s. Sherman Chan suggested that to better prepare their staff for the competition, mock interview d be jointly arranged with other companies, allowing participants to have a feel of what a petition is like.

環節由2014傑出服務獎籌委會成員譚國榮先生主持,邀得多位傑出服務獎得獎者的培訓導師出席,包 S Group Ltd學習及發展經理陳慧愉小姐、牛奶有限公司-惠康人力資源經理-培訓及發展高少容小姐與 0 (Apparel) Ltd學習及發展部副培訓經理陳可賢小姐,各人皆分享為參賽員工備戰的心得。

愉小姐指DFS Group鼓勵員工自薦參加比賽,自薦的員工要先通過內部面試才能得到公司支持,因此他們 會更加積極進取。

容小姐則表示公司早在三月已開始為同事提供培訓,期間導師會與參賽員工及其同事一同在分店工作, 他們在七月及八月旺季進行的神秘顧客審評中發揮最佳表現。

,陳可賢小姐建議參賽公司與其他公司合作進行模擬面試,讓參賽員工感受比賽的氣氛,務求為比賽作 備。

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