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2014 Service & Courtesy Award Kicks off with Service Forum for Retailers

零售服務研討會為 2014 傑出服務獎揭開序幕

The Service Forum for Retailers on 17 April, 2014 officiated the launch of this year's Service & Courtesy Award. Over 250 participants from frontline to management levels of the retail industry attended the event to obtain first-hand information of this year's Award and listen to sharing of the guest speakers.

Each year, the Service Forum for Retailers invites industry leaders and experts to share their insights on service excellence. In response to the prevailing shortage of manpower in the retail industry, the Service Forum took the theme of "Staff Engagement – Key to Service Excellence" as nothing is more important to retailers than keeping their

d. To provide potential Award participants of the Best Team Performance Award re invited to share their experience.

於2014年4月17日舉行的零售服務研討會,為本 年度的傑出服務獎正式揭幕。研討會吸引逾250名 零售業前線員工及管理層出席,以了解傑出服務 獎的最新消息,同時聆聽演講嘉賓的真知灼見。

研討會每年均會邀請業界翹楚及專家分享對傑出 服務的見解。鑑於零售業正面對人手短缺的問 題,如何保持員工熱誠投入、充滿幹勁將會是零 售商成功的關鍵。因此,協會今年以「員工投入 — 優質服務之本」為主題,亦特別邀請以往數屆 最佳服務團隊獎得主的培訓導師分享經驗,讓參 賽者了解箇中的致勝之道。

imi Fu, Learning & opment Director, n Resources Division, Park Hong Kong



a t t he s t a f f engagemen k is a never-ending process ight people, nurturing them and making them succeed in whatever they do. The Park always looks for nice people and "go for attitude instead of experience". Ms. Fu highlighted that it is importan for companies to progressively mov ing up the staf engagement process from engagement, to enablement, and then to effectiveness.

She revealed that the key to the organization's success lies in mutual trust between frontline staf f and their immediate supervisor. As a result of their diligent strives, their staff turnover rate has been maintaining at a low level.

符小姐指海洋公園透過長遠的計劃鼓勵員工投入工作,除了 聘用賢能及栽培員工,亦致力協助員工能有所成就。海洋公 園會挑選態度親切友善的人才,並認為「積極的態度比經驗 更重要」。她建議公司分三個階段落實員工投入計劃,分別 為參與投入、賦予能力及提升成效。

此外,符小姐透露海洋公園的成功秘訣是上司下屬之間彼此 互信,由於各人皆盡忠職守,令員工流失率保持在低水平。

staff from executives to frontliners should always display, so that everyone has a chance to succeed in the company. Ms. Yuen also gave a glimpse of Pret's innovative benefits programme, making sure that they have the right people at the r ight place. They have a "Joy of Pret Ac t ivi t y Planner ", which is a year-around ac t iv i t ies careful l y designed for the building of brand engagement and loyalty through random acts of kindness and fun among staff and customers.

Pret A Manger (Pret)自1986 年於倫敦成立以來,一直堅持以 天然食材製作新鮮的美食。雖然公司的員工來自八個國家及 地區,但仍然非常融洽團結,營運總監(亞洲)袁小姐便分享管 理不同文化背景員工的心得。她強調必須清楚界定一套前線 員工以至主管皆通用的行為標準,包括熱誠態度、清晰表達 及團隊合作,讓每位成員也有機會在工作上一展所長。

袁小姐亦介紹了Pret的創新福利計劃,確保員工擔任最合適的 崗位。公司更推出「Joy of Pret Activity Planner」計劃,全年 舉辦精心策劃的活動,讓員工與顧客能彼此關懷,分享快樂 時刻,藉此提升員工的歸屬感及顧客的忠誠度。

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