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Realizing the lack of affordable quality household products in the market, Mr. Douglas Young founded G.O.D. in 1996 with his friends. "G.O.D. is a local concept targeting all classes, so we take inspiration from the local culture. We try to offer products of reasonable prices, exceptional quality and good design, and create unique products that other brands cannot copy."

To highlight the position of the brand, G.O.D. showcases locally made products that blend the new and the old. Mr. Young noted, "In recent years, we have expanded our product range to include food and fashion, which also manifest our signature blend of Hong Kong culture and local charm." He added that even a small lane can offer lots of inspiration and encouraged the audiences to pay attention to the surroundings and unleash their creativity.

有見市場缺乏高質素而價錢相宜的家具家品,G.O.D「住好啲」創辦人及行政總裁楊志超與友人於1996年成立品牌「住好啲」。 「『住好啲』本來就是一個本土、無階級觀念的想法,故我們以本土文化為靈感,一方面在價格、質素及設計上為消費者提供優 質產品,同時嘗試創作一些其他品牌做不到的產品。」

為突出品牌定位,「住好啲」以本土作為產品賣點,打造出一系列集傳統與現代於一身的產品。「近年我們的產品由家具家品擴 至展食品、時裝,仍以香港文化與本土情懷穿插其中,保持旗下產品的一致性。」楊志超表示,縱是大街小巷亦可引發靈感,他 鼓勵大眾多留意身邊的事物,盡情發揮創作力。

The Panel Discussion Further Facilitates Exchange between Speakers and Audiences 特設討論時間 講者聽眾交流

In order to encourage the exchange of ideas, each session included a panel discussion session where the participants could share their views with the speakers.

During the discussion of the Session One, Mr. Theodore Ma, Mr. Charlie Wong, Mr. Teddy Lui and Mr. Pak Chi Kin shared their insights on how the retail industry could develop online retail. They thought retailers should try

to think from the standpoint of their customers so as to offer a convenient shopping

platform. They should also be aware of their strengths and weaknesses in order to enhance their competitiveness with the help of online retail.

In Session Two, Ms. Irene Leung, Ms. Prudence Mak and Mr. Douglas Young discussed the key elements of successful branding. They agreed that on top of passion, commitment and determination, SMEs should also be creative and bold. When being asked of the way to handle the discrepancy between ideals and reality, they stressed that it is never easy to realize one's dream, and, if compromise is not an option, entrepreneurs should uphold their beliefs and wait for the next opportunity.


在「零售起革命:線上到線下」的討論環節中,馬衡、黃澤禮、呂紹勇及白志堅分別就本港零售業發展線上零售的方法提 出意見。總括而言,他們認為業界應嘗試代入客戶立場,為他們提供便捷的消費平台,同時要了解自身業務的強項與不 足,從而思考如何透過線上零售,加強競爭優勢。

至於在「概念成就大市場」的討論環節,與會嘉賓梁淑儀、麥雅端及楊志超則大談中小型企業打造品牌的關鍵。他們一致 指出,除了熱誠、專注及堅持,企業及創業人士更須具備創意及勇氣。被問及如何處理理想與現實的分歧,各人強調實現 理想從來不易,若發現當中沒有妥協空間,便須保持耐性,等待下一次機會,不要輕易改變自己的理念。

Turning "Made in Hong Kong" into a Selling Point 本土創作成賣點

Mr. Douglas Young, CEO & Co-founder, Goods of Desire Ltd G.O.D. 「住好啲 」 創辦人及行政總裁 楊志超先生

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