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Since the acquisition of Arome Bakery in 2008, Mr. Patrick So has adopted the multi-brand strategy to reposition the new brand and successfully upgraded the brand image with a Japanese touch. "Image upgrade goes beyond changing the package of your product. From the operational strategy to staff behaviors and service, everything needs to be revamped," he said.

Mr. So also took Urban, another brand managed by Maxim's, as an example to illustrate the way of identifying potential growth opportunities through market analysis and research. With the right package, the brand has been able to attract consumers with just one single product – croissants. "Companies hoping to change the status quo and find new momentum should leave their comfort zone and break the limitations so as to fully demonstrate their potential."

美心集團於2008年收購arome東海堂後,為了轉虧為盈,美心集團高級總監-西餅蘇鴻基採用集團的多重品牌策略,把arome東 海堂重新定位,塑造東瀛風格,成功使品牌形象升級。「提升品牌形象不能僅靠外在包裝,由經營策略,到員工的行為及服務表 現,都必須改變。」

此外,蘇鴻基又以集團另一品牌Urban為例,指出如何透過市場分析及研究,尋找潛在的發展空間,並利用合適的包裝手法,成功 以單一產品牛角飽獲得消費者認同。「企業要改變現況,為品牌注入新力量,便要跳出舒適區,突破現有限制,在可行的範圍內 盡情發揮。」

Stepping out of the "Comfort Zone" 跳出既有「舒適區」

Mr. Patrick So, Director of Cakes & Bakery, Maxim's Group 美心集團 高級總監-西餅 蘇鴻基先生

Inspired by her childhood dreams and imagined adventures, Ms. Prudence Mak founded Chocolate Rain in 2000. She said, "I hope to encourage the readers to unleash their positive energy and creativity with my stories." Though she had encountered various challenges along the way, she didn't give up and finally made her dream come true.

Ms. Mak believed that the key to establishing a presence in the global market is maintaining the uniqueness of products. "Once a client suggested me using machines to replace manual production, but I refused because it is one of the signatures of my brand." Moreover, she shared her experience in taking part in crossover projects with different brands to create value for both parties. She also encouraged retailers to be patient and never give up their dreams.

以兒時夢想及幻想中的奇妙旅程為靈感,Chocolate Rain Jewelery & Design Co Ltd 創作總監麥雅端於2000年成立本地創作品牌 Chocolate Rain。「我期望透過這些故事,鼓勵讀者釋放更多正能量和創造力。」她笑言,品牌自成立以來,雖曾面對各種挑戰, 幸好沒有放棄,終成就個人夢想。

如何令品牌蜚聲國際?麥雅端認為產品必須獨特。「例如有客戶提出以機器代替人手生產產品,但我堅持親手製造,因為這是我 家產品的特色之一。」此外,她又分享如何與不同品牌跨界合作,提升雙方品牌的價值,更勉勵業界人士無論面對任何挑戰,均 應保持耐性、堅持夢想,不要輕言放棄。

Maintaining Distinctive Features of Handmade Products 堅持手作維護特色

Ms. Mak Ngar Tuen, Prudence, Creative Director, Chocolate Rain Jewelery & Design Co Ltd Chocolate Rain Jewelery & Design Co Ltd 創作總監 麥雅端女士

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