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Can convenience stores go online? Mr. Pak Chi Kin explored the topic of "omni-channel retail" and shared the successful story of Circle K in setting up the online and offline shopping platforms through the offline retail network covering over 300 convenience stores. He said, "Online retail platform offers round-the-clock service at low cost, whereas the offline platform allows customers to get the products anytime, anywhere. By combining the two, customers can enjoy the pleasure of shopping to the fullest."

He believed that the retail industry will be shaped by digital technology inevitably due to the versatile retail environment in Hong Kong and the increasing use of online services among the younger generations. "To the retailers, it is just the beginning of a long journey. Online and offline retail will eventually converge in the long run." Mr. Pak noted that as convenience stores are going online, other industries should act quickly and consider repositioning their businesses.

便利店與線上零售也有關係?OK便利店有限公司營運總監白志堅以「全渠道零售」為題,分享集團如何透過旗下逾300間便利店 的線下零售網絡,設立線上線下購物平台。「線上零售具備全天候及低成本的優勢,而線下平台則能滿足消費者隨時隨地提取貨 品的需要。因此,把兩者結合,消費者便可盡情享受購物的樂趣。」

白志堅直言,本港零售環境急速轉變,加上新生代喜愛線上活動,故零售數碼化已是大勢所趨。「對零售業而言,零售數碼化不 過是漫長旅程的開始,線上零售長遠將與線下零售結合。」他笑言,當便利店亦要從線上零售尋找出路,其他行業更不能怠慢, 應及早思考,重新定位。

Convenience Stores Going Online 便利店趕線上潮流

Mr. Pak Chi Kin, Chief Operating Officer, Circle K Convenience Stores (HK) Ltd OK便利店有限公司 營運總監 白志堅先生

Session Two: One Concept Shaping Big Market


In the second session themed "One Concept Shaping Big Market", four guest speakers shared how they transformed their passion into a unique brand and won support from customers.

第二部分研討會以「概念成就大市場」為主題,多名嘉賓講者講述他們如何憑着心中的一團火,把自己的理想和熱誠 打造成一門生意,塑造獨一無二的品牌,並成功獲得客戶支持。

Joining a social enterprise from the business sector, Ms. Irene Leung realized that when developing the operational strategy of a social enterprise, it is crucial to abandon old concepts in order to strengthen its competitiveness. "Like business players, social enterprises have to understand the people they are going to serve before considering what services they should provide. Apart from innovation, they should try to create value in order to fulfill the needs of their targets."

She also pointed out that promotion is of equal importance. She said, "Promotion is as important to social enterprises as it is to the business sector. Recently we have been actively rebranding our Association and have adopted a new promotional strategy to raise public awareness of our service." She added that social enterprises must be flexible in the fast-changing society in order to stay competitive, and encouraged the industry to develop operational strategy with a new mindset.

早前從商界轉投社企,長者安居協會行政總裁梁淑儀,在談論社企營運策略時強調,打破固有思維乃提升社企競爭力的關鍵。 「社企在構思服務時與商界一樣,首先要充分認識服務對象,而且不應僅僅追求創新,必須嘗試『創建價值』,滿足服務對象的 真正需要。」

不過,在「創建價值」的同時,梁淑儀亦指出推廣的重要性。「推廣對社企的重要性,其實不比商界低。近年我們積極重整品 牌,並採用嶄新的服務推廣策略,加強公眾對我們的認識。」她續指,隨着社會轉變加快,社企若不變通,難以維持競爭力,故 她期望業界能從新角度制定合適的經營策略。

Trying to "Create Value" 嘗試「創建價值」

Ms. Leung Shuk Yee, Irene, CEO, Senior Citizen Home Safety Association 長者安居協會 行政總裁 梁淑儀女士

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