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Presently, about 90% of the sales activities in the tourism market are still carried out offline. In order to capture the potential opportunities online, Mr. Charlie Wong advocated the concept of "bringing the offline customers online" and initiated a series of creative marketing activities when the company celebrated their 10th anniversary last year. The initiatives successfully attracted new customers and stimulated the sales.

"The difference between online and offline sales is the nature of platform, and companies should try to combine the advantages of the two to create synergy." Mr. Wong highlighted that each of these platforms has its distinctive advantages. For example, online platform provides a one-stop and highly autonomous experience, and allows companies to analyze the needs of customers with the data collected. On the other hand, offline sales offers an interacting experience and allows companies provide personalized solutions. By combining the best of the two worlds, companies will gain the trust of customers and offer products that best suit their customers.

目前,旅遊市場近9成銷售活動仍在線下進行。為拓展線上平台潛在的機遇,ZUJ I香港行政總裁黃澤禮提倡「將線下客人帶到線 上」的概念,並於去年該公司10周年時推出連串創新的市場活動,成功吸引新客戶的注意,並帶動營業額上升。

「線上與線下零售的分別,在於平台不同,企業應嘗試結合兩者之長,互補不足。」黃澤禮強調,線上與線下零售各有優勢,例 如線上零售能給客戶一站式且自主性強的服務體驗,並且能透過數據分析了解客戶需要;線下零售則能給客戶互動的服務體驗, 亦較易為客戶提供個人化方案。品牌如能結合兩方優勢,既有助建立客戶的信心,更能給客戶合適的產品。

Bringing the Offline Customers Online 把線下客帶往線上

Mr. Charlie Wong, CEO, ZUJI Limited ZUJI香港 行政總裁 黃澤禮先生

Commenting on the relationship between online and offline sales, Mr. Teddy Lui believed that the concept of OAO (Offline and Online) may be more appropriate than O2O in understanding the connection between the two. "The development of e-commerce in Hong Kong is lagging behind other countries. Yet the excellent offline platform will enable companies to merge the strength of the two and make up for the disadvantages."

Mr. Lui used the "Mobile Taobao 3.8 Life Festival" as an example to illustrate how Alibaba joined hands with retail groups and department stores in Mainland China to integrate online (mobile phones and computers) and offline channels, creating a brand-new mode of consumption. "SoLoMo (social, local and mobile) is an important way to integrate online and offline sales. It has the potential to evolve into the new business model in the future."

談到線上與線下零售的互動關係,阿里巴巴集團淘寶網香港地區業務主管呂紹勇認為,以OAO(Offline and Online)的思維理解 線上、線下零售的關係,可能較O2O更為適合。「縱然香港的電子商貿較為落後,但由於擁有優越的線下平台,我相信企業能透 過結合兩者的優勢,彌補不足。」

呂紹勇以早前推出的「手機淘寶3.8生活節」為例,講述阿里巴巴如何與內地零售百貨集團合作,打通手機、電腦及線下零售的線 上與線下通道,創造流動、電子商業的全新消費模式。「SoLoMo,即Social(社交)、Local(本地)及Mobile(流動),是結合 線上線下的重要方式。如能配合得宜,將成為全新的企業營運模式。」

The Emerging SoLoMo SoLoMo勢成新模式

Mr. Teddy Lui, Head of Hong Kong Business, Taobao Marketplace, Alibaba Group 阿里巴巴集團 淘寶網香港地區業務主管 呂紹勇先生

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