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The HKRMA Mystery Shoppers Programme was first introduced in 1996 and has received positive feedbacks from members and fellow retailers. It serves as a benchmarking tool for participating companies to improve the overall customer service standard in Hong Kong's retail industry.

Since its launch, the Programme has successfully carried out more than 80,000 mystery shoppers assessment visits. During March to May 2014, a total of 4,892 retail outlets of 169 brands covering 19 retail categories including goods and services had been assessed. Congratulations to the following companies for their outstanding achievements!

香港零售管理協會「神秘顧客計劃」自1996年創辦以 來,廣受本港眾多零售機構支持,用以評估其服務質 素,並獲公認為同業間互相衡量服務水平的標準。

「神秘顧客計劃」推出至今,已進行了超過80,000次神 秘顧客探訪。在2014年3月至5月期間,計劃獲169個品 牌參與計劃,涵蓋了4,892間零售店舖及19個零售及服 務組別。協會特此恭賀以下服務出眾的零售機構!

Mystery Shoppers Programme 神秘顧客計劃 Result of March - May 2014



Service Industry Leader

Beauty Products / Cosmetics 化粧品店

Convenience Stores 便利店

Department Stores 百貨公司

Fashion & Accessories 時裝飾物店

Fashion & Accessories - High Fashion 時裝飾物店 - 高級時裝

Fastfood / Restaurants 快餐店 / 餐廳及酒樓

Food Shops 食品店

Footwear 鞋類

Furniture & Home Accessories 傢俱及居室用品

Health Care Products 健康產品

Infant and Child Merchandise 嬰兒及兒童商品

Personal Care Products 個人護理產品

Retail (Services) 零售(服務)

Specialty Stores 專門店

Supermarkets / Self-serviced Mega Stores 超級市場 / 大型自助購物商店

Telecommunications 電訊

Watch & Jewellery 鐘錶及珠寶店

Service Category Leader


Fashion & Accessories - Sports & Outdoor Products 時裝飾物店 - 運動及戶外用品

Electronic & Electrical Appliances 電子及電器店

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