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HKRMA 31 st Annual General Meeting cum Luncheon – Call for Participation

香港零售管理協會第 31 屆周年大會暨午餐交流研討會


The Association is pleased to announce that the 31 st Annual General Meeting (AGM) cum Luncheon will be held on Thursday, 9 October 2014 at the JW Marriott Hong Kong Hotel. Members and fellow retailers are cordially invited to join this signature event.

With about 200 prominent guests from our members companies, the retail trade, as well as key representatives from the business community, the AGM Luncheon is one the biggest events in the Association's calendar. This year, we are honored to have invited Mr. Wong Kam-sing, JP, Secretary for the Environment of HKSAR, as the distinguished speaker for the luncheon. Mr. Wong will share with us the Government's blueprint in environmental protection and conservation and the implications to retailers in Hong Kong.

香港零售管理協會第31屆周年大會暨午餐交 流研討會將於2014年10月9日(星期四)假 香港萬豪酒店舉行,歡迎會員及同業參加。

周年大會是協會的重要活動之一,當日將有 二百多位來自會員公司以及商界的高級行政 人員參與。 今年, 我們很榮幸邀請到環境 局局長黃錦星先生JP 擔任主講嘉賓,與我們 分享政府環境保護的藍圖以及有關政策對零 售業的影響。

Rundown of Luncheon 午餐研討會活動程序

Date 日期 : 9 October 2014 (Thursday) 2014年10月9日(星期四) Time 時間 : 12:00 noon - Cocktail 酒會 12:30 pm - Luncheon 午宴

1:25 pm - Presentation by Mr. Wong Kam-sing, JP Secretary for the Environment, HKSAR

主講嘉賓:環境局局長黃錦星先生, JP 2:15 pm - End of Luncheon 午宴完畢

Venue 地點 : Ballroom, Level 3, JW Marriott Hong Kong Hotel 香港萬豪酒店宴會廳 Language 語言: English 英文

Tel. 電話: 2866 8311 Fax 傳真: 2866 8380 Website 網站:

Participation Fee (HK$) Per person 每人

Per Half Table (5 pax.) 每半席5人

Per Table (10 pax.) 每席10人 Members 會員 $970 $4,600 $8,800 Non-members 非會員 $1,200 $5,500 $10,500

For details or enrollment, please contact the Association. 如欲獲取詳細資料或有興趣參加,請向協會查詢。


I would like to reserve Table(s), Seat (s) for HKRMA 31 st AGM cum Luncheon.

Enclosed is a cheque of HK$ (payable to " HONG KONG RETAIL MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION LTD ") for the payment of the reserved table(s)/ seat(s).

Company Name:


Contact Person: Position:

Tel: Fax: Email:

Date: Signature & Company Chop:

Note: Please send the original enrolment form by post together with a cheque made payable to the "Hong Kong Retail Management Association Ltd" for the exact payment. All bookings will be on first-come-first-served basis. No cancellation will be accepted after enrolment.

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