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HKRMA 2014 Annual Ball cum Retail Awards Presentation Ceremony

2014 周年晚會暨頒獎典禮

本協會周年晚會暨頒獎典禮將於2014年12 月9日,假香港會議展覽中心大會堂舉行。 此乃協會一年一度的大型盛事,出席的會員 及來自相關行業的嘉賓數目超過1,500人。

今年我們很榮幸邀請了商務及經濟發展局局 長蘇錦樑, GBS, JP蒞臨主禮。當晚協會將藉 著賓客雲集的機會,頒發被譽為零售業奧斯 卡的「2014最佳服務零售商」及「2014 傑 出服務獎」,以嘉許得獎機構和員工。晚會 場面盛大,氣氛熱鬧,是同業每年聚首一堂 的大好良機。

協會歡迎會員、同業及機構透過預訂座席、 提供贊助和捐贈抽獎禮品,參與及支持 晚會。

The Association is pleased to announce its 2014 Annual Ball cum Retail Awards Presentation Ceremony will be held on Tuesday, 9 December, 2014 at the Grand Hall of the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre.

The Annual Ball is the biggest event in the Association's calendar and will be attended by over 1,500 guests from member companies, the retail trade, as well as key representatives from the business community.

This year, we are honored to have invited Mr. Gregory So, GBS, JP, Secretary for Commerce & Economic Development as our Guest of Honour. On the occasion, the Association will present awards to winners of two highly recognized awards of the retail trade - "2014 Service Retailers of the Year" and the "2014 Service & Courtesy Award". Every year, the awards presentation ceremony brings great excitement and joy that celebrate the strong affiliation among fellow retail practitioners.

Members, affiliated retailers and companies are cordially invited to participate in the event by table reservation, event sponsorship and prize donation for Grand Raffle Draw.


Fee 費用

Premium Table 每席 HK$18,500 per table (12 persons/每席12人 )

Regular Table 每席 HK$15,000 per table (12 persons/每席12人 )

每位 HK$1,500 per person

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