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SME Support

SME Retail Talk - Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance

中小企零售講座 - 個人資料 ( 私隱 ) 條例

Retai l staf fs are frequently required to handle the personal data of their customers and colleagues while carrying out their daily duties; they always encounter the questions on how to use personal data for promotional activities properly. In view of this, HKRMA collaborated with the Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data (PCPD) to hold a seminar for SME retailers on "Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance" on 29 June, 2014. The purpose of the seminar i s to promote unde r s t anding of dat a protection and share good practices among members of the industry. Representative f rom PCPD explained the s t ipulat ions set out in the Ordinance, as well as the compl iance i ssues in var ious bus iness env i ronment s . In order to he lp retai l staffs to do their job efficiently without violating the Ordinance in the future, PCPD representative used common scenarios invol v ing per sonal data process ing by retailers, which let them to have a better understanding of the Ordinance.

零售從業員很多時會接觸到客戶或員工的個人資料,因此經常面對如何適當 地使用個人資料進行促銷活動的問題。有見及此,協會與香港個人資料私隱 專員公署於2014年6月29日,為中小企零售商舉辦了一場《個人資料(私隱) 條例》講座,目的是增進業界對條例的認識,並提倡良好的行事方式。當日 由公署代表解釋了條例的規定,並指出零售業在營運上會涉及個人資料的業 務範疇。為了協助參加者日後能夠在遵從條例要求的前題下,有效地完成工 作,公署代表列舉了多個常見的零售實例場景,讓他們更容易掌握條例的概 念及內容。

Wifi Security & Prevention of Counterfeit Banknote Wifi 安全話咁易及提防偽鈔

Date 日期 :2014年9月11日(星期四) Thursday, 11 September, 2014 Time 時間 :下午3:00-5:00 3:00 – 5:00pm Venue 地點 :生產力大樓地下 SME One, HKPC Language 語言:粵語 Cantonese Fee 費用 :全免 Free of charge

Speaker 講者:

Dr. Ken Fong 方健僑博士 

Hon. Chairman (Life), Hong Kong Wireless Technology Industry Association 香港無線科技商會 永遠名譽主席 Convener of WiFi安全話咁易 活動籌委會召集人

Mr. John Yuen 阮錦亮先生

Senior Inspector of Police, Commercial Crime Bureau, Hong Kong Police 香港警務處 商業罪案調查科高級督察


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