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2013年欣逢香港零售管理協會成 立30周年。為了紀念這個特別日 子,協會將於「傑出服務獎」及 「神秘顧客計劃」兩個年度項目, 以及於協會各個重要活動,包括5 月的零售研討會、10月的周年大會 及12月的周年晚會,增添慶祝元 素,與多年來為零售業建樹良多的 會員,共賀協會過去30年的成就。

協會將於年內推出一系列推廣活 動,以表彰會員一直以來對會務和 零售業的貢獻。你的積極支持和參 與將會為30周年紀念帶來美好而 難忘的回憶!有關詳情將會陸續公 佈,敬請密切留意。

2013 will mark the Association's 30 th anniversary. To commemorate this special occasion, we will introduce celebratory initiatives in our year-round programmes such as the Ser vice and Cour tesy Award and Mys ter y Shopper s Programme, as well as other signature events including the Retail Conference in May, the Annual General Meeting in October, and the Annual Dinner in December.

The anniversary is a time to celebrate the many achievements of the Association over the past three decades with our members who have been playing a pivotal role in the development of the retail industry. As such, we will launch a series of publicity campaigns throughout the year to commend the contributions of our members. Your full support and participation are crucial in making this memorable 30 th birthday an unforgettable one! Stay tuned to our latest information on celebration activities in the coming months.

慶祝30周年的標誌採用了亮麗的顏色,標誌著協會在過去三十年一直秉持的宗旨 – 追求卓越零售。

This logo in vibrant colours denotes the Association's unwavering efforts in driving retail excellence in the past 30 years.

HKRMA to celebrate 30 th Anniversary in 2013

香港零售管理協會 30 周年誌慶



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