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2012 Service & Courtesy Award 2012 年傑出服務獎

被譽為「零售界奧斯卡」的傑出服務獎於1986 年創辦,旨在透過嘉許表現出色的零售業前線員 工,藉以推廣及提升零售業的顧客服務水平。

今年參與競逐傑出服務獎的人數打破歷年紀錄, 有多達來自143個品牌的888名前線員工參加,競 爭氣氛熾熱。參加者必須接受神秘顧客評審,再 按其零售組別及職級(基層級別及主管級別)出 席兩輪嚴格的面試。經過激烈的競爭,共有44名 參賽者脫穎而出,奪得個人獎項,而表現最優秀 的3支公司團隊則獲頒「最佳服務團隊獎」。

得獎結果早前於2012年11月7日假九龍灣國際展 貿中心舉行的發佈會上公佈。協會有幸邀得立法 會批發及零售功能組別議員方剛先生,SBS,JP、協 會主席麥瑞琼女士、副主席葉焯德先生、美國運 通國際股份有限公司副總裁兼環球商戶服務部東 亞區總經理李錦懿女士,以及傑出服務獎籌委會 主席馬永基先生擔任頒獎嘉賓。

得獎者在協會於2012年12月4日假香港會議展覽 中心大禮堂舉行的周年晚會暨頒獎典禮上,再次 獲邀上台接受嘉許。在一片熱烈的掌聲及歡呼聲 中,得獎者懷著興奮的心情從麥瑞琼女士、協會 副主席葉焯德先生及陸楷先生手上接過獎座。現 場1,500多位嘉賓一同向得獎者、其培訓導師及 公司送上祝賀,讚揚他們致力追求卓越顧客服務 的成績。我們深信他們的努力可帶動業界孜孜不 倦追求傑出服務,貢獻香港零售業的長遠發展。

Acclaimed as the Oscars of the retail trade, the Service & Courtesy Award was established in 1986 to promote and uplift customer service standard in the retail industry through recognizing and rewarding individual frontline practitioners with outstanding performance.

This year, the Award registered a record-breaking participation of 888 frontline retail staff from 143 companies, making the competition even more intensified. The contestants had to go through assessment by mystery shoppers and two rounds of vigorous interviews grouped according to their retail categories and work levels (Junior Frontline Level and Supervisory Level). After some fierce contention, 44 retail practitioners were awarded with individual titles, and the 3 top performing brands were given team awards.

The r e su l t s of t he Awa r d we r e announce d e a r l i e r a t t he Wi nne r s Announcement Ceremony held on 7 November, 2012 at Kowloon Bay International Trade and Exhibition Centre. At the ceremony, the Association was pleased to have the Hon. Vincent Fang, SBS, JP, Legislative Councillor (Wholesale & Retail), Ms. Caroline Mak, Chairman of the Association, Mr. Henry Yip, Vice-Chairman of the Association, Ms. Susanna Lee, Vice President and General Manager of Global Merchant Service, East Asia, American Express International Inc., as well as Mr. Paul Ma, Chairman of the Service & Courtesy Award Organizing Committee presenting the awards to the winners.

The award winner s were gi ven a wider recogni t ion of thei r exce l lent performance when they were once again called on stage at the Association's Annual Ball cum Retail Awards Presentation Ceremony on 4 December, 2012 held at the Grand Hall of the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. With loud applause and joyful cheers by the audience, they received trophies in excitement from Ms. Caroline Mak, Mr. Henry Yip, and Mr. Guy Look, Vice Chairman of the Association. Some 1,500 attending guests of the night joined together to give salute to the winners, their trainers and companies for their dedication in customer service excellence. We believe their hard work will inspire fellow retail practitioners to constantly contend for service excellence and contribute to the further development of Hong Kong retail trade.

Award Presentation



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