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Mystery Shoppers Programme "2012 Service Retailers of the Year" Presentation Ceremony

神秘顧客計劃「 2012 年最佳服務零售商」頒獎禮

2012 Excellence Award


Sa Sa International Holdings Limited - La Colline Shop

莎莎國際控股有限公司 - La Colline專門店

2012 Service Retailers of the Year - Grand Award


Prince Jewellery and Watch Company 太子珠寶鐘錶公司

「神秘顧客計劃」是一項讓零售同業互相衡量服務水平 的工具,藉以全面提升業界的服務質素。計劃自1996年 推出以來,一直廣受本港零售機構支持。

計劃推出至今已進行了超過70,000次神秘顧客探訪。 2012年參與計劃的零售品牌數目共有166個,當中覆蓋 零售店舖超過5,000間,並進行了約5,500次神秘探訪。

「最佳服務零售商」是「神秘顧客計劃」所設立的獎 項,以表揚全年持續提供優秀顧客服務的零售商。

2012年度,共有18個零售商獲頒發「全年最佳服務零 售商―組別獎」及「飛躍進步獎」。其中太子珠寶鐘錶 公司成功獲得「最佳服務零售商大獎」殊榮,而莎莎國 際控股有限公司 - La Colline 專門店 則獲頒發「卓越成 就獎」。「卓越成就獎」乃新增的獎項,以表揚連續兩 年獲得全年跨組別最高分數的零售商。所有得獎公司 已於協會在2012年12月4日舉辦的周年晚會暨頒獎典禮 上,獲政務司司長林鄭月娥女士,GBS,JP 頒發獎座。

Established in 1996 with an aim to enhance the overall customer service standard of the industry, the Association's Mystery Shoppers Programme has been widely adopted and recognized by the retail industry as an effective benchmarking tool to assess customer service level of retail outlets.

To date, the Association has conducted over 70,000 assessment visits since the launch of the Programme. In 2012 alone, about 5,500 visits were completed, covering some 166 par ticipating brands with an extensive sales network of over 5,000 retail outlets.

Under the Programme, retailers with outstanding performance are recognized on an annual basis with awards being given through the recognition scheme of the "Service Retailers of the Year".

In 2012, 18 companies had won retail catergory awards and the Great Progress Awards. And the Grand Award went to Prince Jewellery and Watch Company , while Sa Sa International Holdings Limited - La Colline Shop was presented the Excellence Award, a newly created award to recognize a single company who has attained highest score across all retail categories in two consecutive years. All winning companies had proudly received their trophies presented by Mrs. Carrie Lam, GBS, JP, Chief Secretary for Administration, at the 2012 Annual Ball cum Retail Awards Presentation Ceremony on 4 December, 2012.



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