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Inspiring and Motivating a Team of Post 60s to 90s

to cultivate team ps.

ovember, 2012, iation organized op on "Inspiring vating a Team of o 90s", aiming to agers to build an ng service team. Workshop trainer Ms. Vicky Si shared the techniques in motivating and engaging staff in different age groups and used real life cases to illustrate practical tips to resolve conflicts in a team.

零售業的員工年齡層面廣,如何推動一群年齡差距較大的團隊, 對管理層的確是一項挑戰。

協會於2012年11月28日舉辦了「推動零售新人類」工作坊,以 幫助管理人員建立一支優秀的工作隊伍。導師施培英女士講解了 推動不同年齡的員工投入工作的技巧,以及利用個案分析,分享

Knowledge Sharing

Snapshots on Workshops


Techniques in Handling Customer Complaints 處理顧客投訴技巧

In the highly competitive and customer-oriented retail market, handling customer complaints in a positive manner is one of the essential parts in delivering quality service.

A workshop on "Techniques in Handl ing Customer Complaints" was held on 13 November, 2012. Workshop trainer Mr. Thomas Chow analysed different causes of customer dissatisfaction, and demonstrated some tactful and effective techniques to deal with difficult customers and handle their complaints.

面對激烈競爭,以客 為尊的零售市場,前 線員工以積極及正 面的態度處理顧客投 訴,是維持優質服務 不可或缺的一部分。




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