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Members' Corner

Membership Referral Plan 2013

2013 會員推薦計劃

In order to encourage fellow retailers to join the HKRMA, the Association rolls out the "Membership Referral Plan 2013". Special incentives will be offered to both the Member Company and the NEW Full or Associate Member.

為鼓勵更多零售同業加入成為香港零售管理協會會員,本 協會推出「2013會員推薦計劃」。凡會員公司成功推薦 新公司成為正式或聯席會員,雙方均可獲得特別優惠。

Special Offer for NEW Member


Remarks 備註:

1. CASH coupon is applicable for HKRMA 2013 events or programmes including Annual Ball, Retail Conference, Workshops, Mystery Shoppers Programme, Service & Courtesy Award.

現金券適用於2013年度協會舉辦的活動或旗艦項目,包括:周年晚會、零售研討會、工作坊、神秘顧客計劃、傑出服務獎。 2. The free offer of "Report on Manpower Situation of the Hong Kong Retail Industry – Salary Trends for 2012" is valid till stocks last. 「2012年度香港零售業人力資源報告 - 薪酬趨勢」數量有限,送完即止。

3. HKRMA holds final decision to all disputes and reserves the right to amend/change the Terms & Conditions without prior notice. 如有異議,香港零售管理協會保留一切最終決定權。

Enquiry 查詢

Ms. Peggy Ng 吳小姐 Tel 電話:2866 8311

Associate Member 聯席會員

HK$200 CASH coupon 現金券

"Retailers" special advertisement discount of 15% (Saving at least HK$1,650)!

協會季刊《零售商》廣告85折優惠 (節省最少HK$1,650)!

Full Member 正式會員

Membership fee less than HK$5,900


Membership fee at HK$5,900 or above



CASH coupon 現金券


CASH coupon 現金券

Report on Manpower Situation of the Hong Kong Retail Industry – Salary Trends for 2012 2012年度香港零售業人力資源報告 - 薪酬趨勢

(worth 價值HK$4,800)


CASH coupon 現金券


CASH coupon 現金券

(Applicable for referring new member with membership fee less

than HK$5,900)


(Applicable for referring new member with membership fee at

HK$5,900 or above)


"Member-Get-Member" Offer




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