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卻未見有任何計劃!因此,本人將於2013年 2月6日的立法會會議上,動議增加零售業經營 面積,以提醒行政長官尚欠零售業一筆賬!

由於新一屆政府展開工作後將大部分精力用於 籌備首份《施政報告》和處理社會上較有迫切 性的問題,如房屋問題和雙非孕婦所帶來的公 私營醫療問題等。因此,預期在2013年7月前 提交立法會審議的法例不多,暫時關係到零售 行業的,主要是《施政報告》提出的環保措施

廚餘和都市固體廢物收費,其中後者會包括 廢電器及電子產品徵費計劃,預期會在年內提 交立法會進行立法程序。

此外,本人最近獲是屆政府邀請加入「策 略發展委員會」(Commi ss ion on St rategi c Development)。雖然這只是一個顧問組織,但 由於其職務主要是就香港長遠及整體發展向行 政長官提交意見,本人希望香港零售管理協會 及各位會員,都能夠向本人反映更多業界的情 況和需要。如果對香港整體經濟發展有利的, 本人定必向策發會反映。

農曆新年將屆,來年為癸巳年,即12生肖的蛇 年。蛇看來雖然並不威猛,但其特性為靈巧、 機智、適應力強,既可沉着應戰,更能覬準時 機,一旦出手,絕不會空手而回!這正正是香 港人,尤其商界的特性,亦帶領香港人經歷過 去無數次的風浪。因此,儘管許多經濟學者都 預測2013年國際經濟環境並不樂觀,但本人 深信,憑藉香港人和香港工商界的靈敏、高適 應能力、刻苦、樂觀精神,只要社會能夠和諧 些,將精力集中於推動經濟發展的話,香港將 會繼續穩定發展。

最後,本人謹祝賀香港零售管理協會各位會員 商號,在新一年生意興隆、財源廣進,各從業 員身體健康、萬事勝意!

industry. After winning the election, the Chief Executive had said he understood the concerns of the trade and would consider measures to increase the supply of retail spaces and that he would deal with the matter in his Policy Address. Although a task force focusing on tourism, and convention and exhibition industry has been set up under the Economic Development Commission; a Chinese Medicine Development Commission was also established; and decision was made to enhance outdoor markets and to increase the supply of office spaces, nothing was put forth by the Government to address the problem of shortage of retail spaces. I am planning to move a motion at the 6 February, 2013 Legislative Council (LegCo) meeting to call upon the Government to deal with this critical problem. This will serve to remind the Chief Executive that he still owes us something!

Since much of the first few months of the new Administration had been devoted to the preparation of the Chief Executive's Policy Address and other more urgent social issues such as housing shortage and Mainland pregnant mothers swarming our hospitals etc, one should not expect to see any substantive number of bills coming their way to the LegCo before the summer recess in July 2013. Bills which are relevant to the retail trade and which will be scheduled to be tabled at the LegCo within 2013 include: reduction of food waste, municipal solid waste charging and the introduction of a new Producer Responsibility Scheme for waste electrical and electronic equipment.

I was recently invited by the Government to join the Commission on Strategic Development. Although this is an advisory body, the Commission's primary role is to advise the Chief Executive on long-term development directions for Hong Kong. I hope members of the Retail Management Association will come forward and voice your opinion to me. I pledge to relay your views to this Commission and put forth any suggestion or idea that will benefit our economy.

The Chinese New Year is just around the corner and next year is the Year of the Snake. Snakes are not aggressive but they have some unique characteristics such as shrewdness, adaptability, cool-headed and a very sharp mind rarely missing a target.

These are also the characteristics of our business sector which has braved many storms over the past decades. Despite the fairly negative outlook of many economists for 2013, I firmly believe the responsiveness, adaptability, strong work attitude and positive frame of mind of our businessmen will help us overcome the challenges and move forward.

Lastly I wish the HKRMA and all the members and companies all the very best for the new year and good health! Kung Hei Fat Choi!


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