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2014 Hong Kong Awards for Industries: Customer Service

2014 香港工商業獎:顧客服務

「2014香港工商業獎」將於2014年3月13日開始接受 報名,截止日期為2014年5月23日。

「香港工商業獎」是由香港政府全力支持的工商業獎勵 計劃,旨在表揚和鼓勵在工業和服務業有傑出成就的企 業,以推廣工商業的成功策略。

「香港工商業獎」設有六個組別獎項,包括消費產品設 計、設備及機器設計、顧客服務、創意、生產力及品質 和科技成就,分別由六個相關行業的機構舉辦。

協會非常榮幸能成為「香港工商業獎:顧客服務」組 別的主辦機構。過去數年,此獎項獲來自多個不同服 務行業的公司參加角逐,包括零售、航空及旅遊服 務、金融及銀行、餐飲、百貨公司、物業管理、倉存 及電訊服務等。



致力推廣優質服務的重要性,以提升香港整體的顧 客服務水平。


The 2014 Hong Kong Awards for Industries (HKAI) will be opened for entry from 13 March, 2014. The closing date would be on 23 May, 2014.

The HKAI is a unique award championed by the Hong Kong Government with an aim to recognize and encourage excellence as well as to promote successful practices and strategies in different aspects of industrial and service performance.

The HKAI covers six categories including consumer product design, equipment and machinery design, customer service, innovation and creativity, productivity and quality, and technological achievement. Each award category has one leading organizer.

The Association is proud to be the leading organizer for the award category on "Customer Service" since its establishment. Over the years, the category has made strong advances with an expanding portfolio of participating enterprises from service industry including retailing, airlines and travel agencies, banking and finance, catering, department stores, property management, storage service, telecommunication, and more.

Objectives of Customer Service Award Category

To recognize and encourage excellence in the service industries by giving public recognition to outstanding companies.

To promote the importance of quality service and to improve Hong Kong's overall standard of customer service.

Open for Entry : 13 March 2014

公開接受報名 : 2014 3 13


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