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Award Structure 獎項級別

The Award Structure for the Customer Service category consists of three levels:



獲獎機構的卓越成就可獲得表揚和宣傳。 各參賽機構之顧客服務計劃之成效可獲 得彰顯及提升。

參賽機構,以致整體服務行業的服務水 平可獲改善及提升。

獲獎機構將得到廣泛的宣傳和各界之 認同。

Benefits of Participation

The companies with outstanding achievements in customer service will be recognized and publicized.

The effectiveness of each company's customer service improvement programme could be promoted and enhanced.

The service level of individual companies as well as the whole service sector could be improved and enhanced.

The award winning companies will receive extensive media coverage and recognition.

Trophy / Certificate 獎座/獎狀

Newspaper supplement 報章推廣

Public 刊物宣

TV commercials and video showcase 獲拍宣傳短片

Exhibition 公開展覽

Promotion via websites 於政府及協會網站推廣

Certificate of Merit 顧客服務優異證書

Customer Service Award 顧客服務獎

Customer Service Grand Award 顧客服務大獎


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